Example sentences of "set [adv] low " in BNC.

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1 Appearance faults , according to the Breed Standard , include the following : Light , tall , greyhound-like in general appearance ; too long , too short , narrow body ; prominent occipital bone ; hound-like head and expression ; narrow , light , too short , too long , or coarse head ; flat forehead ( little or no stop ) ; narrow lower jaw ; long or pointed muzzle ; cheeks too protruding ; ram 's or split nose , bridge or nose dished or sloping ; tip of nose light or spotted ; open , pink or spotted lips , corners of the mouth open ; distemper teeth ; wrinkles on the head ; ears set too low , large , long , floppy , turned back , not lying close , or irregularly carried ; light ( yellow ) eyes , or a light and a dark eye , open , deep-set , too full , round , staring eyes , piercing gaze ; neck too long , thick , weak muscled , dewlaps or loose skin on throat ; forelegs set narrow or not straight ; light nails ; tail set too high or too low ; coat soft , too short or too long , wavy coat , absence of undercoat ; markings of the wrong colour , poorly defined or too extensive ; white spots ; dewclaws on the hind legs .
2 The means test is now being set so low that only people who are unemployed or have incomes near benefit levels will be able to obtain free legal help .
3 The ‘ pay factor ’ was always set unrealistically low as an opening gambit by the Treasury to keep pay expectations down and to put a further squeeze on public services .
4 The gate works simply and positively , and providing the threshold is set as low as possible and the release rate as long as possible , no untoward clicks or glitches show up .
5 ‘ I use two amps on stage , switching between the two : a Marshall , which is set quite low but with a good , meaty kind of sound , and a reissue Fender blackface Twin Reverb set up with a cleaner sound and vibrato if I want it .
6 The action on this example has been set quite low and when combined with the almost flat radius of the fingerboard and the slim neck , feels very rock'n'roll indeed .
7 It was feared that the push-bike was a health hazard , for example causing ‘ bicycle face ’ , ‘ bicycle hand ’ and ‘ bicycle foot ’ , as well as the dreaded kyphosis bicyclistratum , or ‘ cyclist hump ’ , which resulted if the handle-bars were set too low .
8 ( Experience has shown that the number of such permitted pixels has been set too low , so that the test is probably too sensitive . )
9 If it is set too low , then Offline will accomplish its workload using less ‘ portions ’ ie. it will calculate how many blocks can be stored and then continue until it has achieved that workload regardless of the 15 minute factor .
10 If it is set too low , then the opposite occurs and Offline will believe the tape is full when there may be more space available .
11 Marron hair pulled back and clipped over her ears , falling freely behind ; lack of make-up bestowing a pallor which dramatised her generous brown eyes ; petite mouth and jaunty nose , set rather low on the tapered oval of her face , thus emphasising the curved hauteur of her forehead .
12 The Statutory Advice Scheme ( the ‘ pink form ’ scheme ) was means-tested with the top limit for eligibility set very low , involved an initial payment of half-a-crown by the client and permitted the solicitor to claim £1 per half-hour from the Law Society up to a maximum of £3 .
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