Example sentences of "run towards the " in BNC.

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1 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
2 One makes the recipient ant generally ‘ alarmed ’ , another makes it run towards the source , and two others make it bite .
3 He did run towards the crowd , but so did Tommy Wright after scoring Leicester 's winner .
4 Then she was running towards the village , ignoring the small scutterings on the bank beside the road , her old sandals almost soundless on the tarmac .
5 He rushed away followed by his laughing , equipment-rattling band in a mad stampede , but someone else was running towards the Windmill from another direction in a vain attempt to cut them off .
6 I was paralysed on the canalside , mid pen stroke , sketching the boat for the skipper , then running towards the stern where the young man was swimming for his life out of the narrowing gap .
7 Here was a star who could ask in all earnestness , ‘ What was the colour of the bearded villain 's folder that contained the nuclear secrets which Alan threw down the well before running towards the car park with his sister ? ’ secure in the knowledge that he would receive a suitably excited reply from Manchester Grammar 's finest .
8 The prominent midrib has 3–4 pairs of lateral veins running towards the blunt tip of the leaf .
9 Within seconds a huge crowd gathers , and from the stage we can see the police and security running towards the incident .
10 The movement resolved into men running towards the trees .
11 It trembled uncomprehendingly over Harry Dunstaple running towards the ramparts waving a sabre and shouting orders , with the bulging pockets of his Tweedside lounging jacket swinging about his knees over Ford , carefully laying a train back to the wall of the churchyard from one of the fougasses that had been dug … over the Sikhs staggering here and there with loads of small stones to shovel into another fougasse not yet completed … over the green Fleury having a rest in the shade of a tamarind beside the Church wall … and finally over the pariah dog , looking towards Fleury with admiration but from a respectful distance ( for Fleury continued to reject its advances ) .
12 On the plateau , as yet unseen by the black-robed figures , Daak was running towards the hoverspeeder .
13 Another flash of lightning allowed him to see the figure of a woman running towards the rick .
14 He had found my rope , climbed out of the moat , and was already running towards the trees where I had left my horse .
15 He was running towards the station as fast as he could .
16 Ignored by the guard , who was running towards the house after being startled into wakefulness , the Doctor eyed the cloud of grey smoke critically , wondering how much damage would have been done to the villa itself .
17 " Captain , captain ! " he called frantically , running towards the bridge .
18 But the swirling breeze was at the hunters ' backs , and the big bull suddenly lifted his muzzle to scent in their direction , and a moment later the whole herd was running towards the shelter of the trees .
19 Donna saw men scuttle from the vehicles , two of them running towards the house , slipping in the mud but keeping their balance .
20 The initiative for a project very often comes from the funding agency , which adopts a ‘ proactive ’ stance ( in the jargon ) , setting the agenda , administering a steering committee and ensuring that the project is running towards the desired end .
21 ‘ Then we were running towards the village .
22 ‘ Great , I 'll just go and tell everybody , ’ gasped Nicola , full of breathy enthusiasm , running towards the door .
23 To my surprise , I found that I was running towards the battle .
24 A moment later he was up and running towards the blazing buildings in the Circle .
25 She was running , running towards the green door .
26 The reeds here were as high as a man , water gurgling in the creeks , running towards the sea .
27 Speed played well , Dorigo looked like he was on drugs the way he was running around — at one point Breacker ( Headless chicken ) was thinking he had got past Dorigo/Speed and running towards the corner flag — Dorigo went into overdrive and caught him within 3 strides from a standing start ! !
28 The first Mr Whitley 's wife , Cindy , 34 , knew of the tragedy was when , through her kitchen window , she saw her husband running towards the house , his clothes ablaze .
29 The first Mr Whitley 's wife Cindy , 34 , knew of the tragedy was when , through her kitchen window , she saw her husband running towards the house , his clothes ablaze .
30 He began to run towards the Lock gates .
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