Example sentences of "busy herself " in BNC.

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1 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
2 The pantry displays examples of all the home-made preserves the farmer 's wife would have busied herself with .
3 She could busy herself in the garden till then .
4 He reached for the CV while Catherine Crane busied herself systematically with her papers .
5 While Mary Ann busied herself in the kitchen , and the uncommunicative Emily disappeared , he took in his surroundings .
6 Franca naturally busied herself with genuine tasks , of which there were always plenty .
7 The woman busied herself in the kitchen and produced a plate piled high like a cairn with potatoes , and a huge pot of tea , and then resumed her knitting by the fire opposite her husband .
8 She busied herself with some clothes .
9 Two hours later she returned , busied herself in the kitchen and then produced a huge plate loaded with fish and potatoes , and a mammoth pot of tea .
10 She busied herself with putting on her glasses .
11 She took the double saucepan from the rack and the packet of oats from the cupboard and busied herself , not looking at him .
12 Doreen turned her broad kindly face away and busied herself with dinner preparations .
13 She went inside again and busied herself , filling the cupboards from the bags .
14 While she busied herself squeezing fresh limes and adding local cane sugar and iced water , he began his pitch .
15 While the water steamed from the taps , she busied herself at the long table beneath the bathroom mirror , lifting the lids from the various jars and sniffing at them until she found the one she was searching for .
16 She went into the tiny pantry and busied herself , preparing the ingredients she had had brought from the kitchen only an hour before .
17 She busied herself with her hair , restoring it .
18 She felt the beginnings of a disastrous blush and busied herself with a dirty mark on the window , getting out her handkerchief and scrubbing , her back to Louise .
19 Mrs. Mounce busied herself with being kind to Tessa , too .
20 She did not turn round but busied herself with placing a palmful of incense into the censer and lighting it .
21 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
22 While Mary-Claude saw to the baby and busied herself around the apartment , Habib made the introductions .
23 Martha busied herself about the household work during our Lord 's visits .
24 She had awakened early , busied herself with her bags and , while she had waited for the taxi repeatedly told herself that men were a species that she would avoid at all costs from here on in .
25 He watched his wife carefully out of the corner of his eye as she busied herself , stacking blankets , opening chests , replacing candles in their holders .
26 Then she got up , rather stiffly , and busied herself making tea and thin bread and butter , an invariable meal , but always a treat .
27 Biting her lip hard to prevent herself screaming at him to stop sitting there like some damned great Buddha she busied herself finding soap powder for the machine , and in her agitation knocked the packet over , spilling powder all over the floor .
28 Marriage had effectively put paid to her career as an actress , and between household tasks she busied herself penning articles protesting at the pressures on people like her to cook beautiful meals and write novels like Margaret Drabble .
29 Settling herself into her chair , Laura busied herself with pouring out tea .
30 Ianthe flushed and busied herself with the coffee tray .
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