Example sentences of "[n mass] do [adv] realise " in BNC.

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1 And though the folk did not realise , slowly , softly and insidiously Chaos returned .
2 Many people did not realise that there are different kinds of grammar , and that conventions in the use of language keep changing .
3 Mr McMullin said many parents would be unaware that their children were regularly using Ecstasy , LSD or speed and young people did not realise the long-term harmful effects of the substances they were taking .
4 People did n't realise it was an ideal .
5 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
6 used to have them in the pub and then to play it back and people did n't realise it was there voice you know .
7 It seems we do such a professional job many people do n't realise we are funded by voluntary contributions and not by the Government .
8 People do n't realise that you can do things for yourself .
9 some young people do n't realise that sniffing may be all that they need
10 People do n't realise that we 're opening up ears to this type of music .
11 People do n't realise that in its own funny way , it 's pop art . ’
12 Often such people do n't realise how destructive their behaviour is , says Roberta .
13 It seems we do such a professional job many people do n't realise we are funded by voluntary contributions and not by the Government .
14 Much of the reason , surprisingly , is caused by foot and leg care , many people do n't realise that the impact of the foot on any surface is actually felt throughout the whole of our bodies , and especially in our backs .
15 But what many people do n't realise is that long-term conservation , particularly in the Third World , is going to depend , whether we like it or not , more on the economic state of the country than on appealing to the better nature of its politicians .
16 People do n't realise that the Russians regard chemical and biological weapons as conventional .
17 He says that many people do n't realise that they 're so small at the moment .
18 People do n't realise these things are death traps .
19 People do n't realise what it means to own a monkey .
20 ‘ A lot of people do n't realise the movement still exists ; there is a notion that it folded after the rallies of 1976 , ’ says Patrick Corrigan , development co-ordinator with the group .
21 People do n't realise that both types of UV rays are ionising radiation .
22 A lot of people do n't realise he has electrifying pace .
23 ‘ What people do n't realise is how much distress it can cause when a horse is taken how much they become part of the family . ’
24 As regards pigeon racing , well , many people do n't realise how much money is invested in pigeon racing .
25 What a lot of the people do n't realise , our League winning side of nineteen eighty six , up until we sold Cox a week ago , the whole team was on the table for sale or to borrow , the complete team .
26 Many people do not realise how many different types of specialist craft and embroidery scissors are available or the time and effort that can be saved by using them .
27 Many people do not realise that the ancient bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are not actually part of the United Kingdom , though they have chosen to be part of its air traffic control and aviation legislation systems .
28 Most people do not realise how much they could increase their pleasure , success and income by reading faster and more accurately .
29 Many people do not realise just how much they are being charged as most financial advisers make their money via commission , which is normally obscured , so making it difficult to work out what the true cost is .
30 ‘ Already I go into houses , particularly in the winter , and I can see that some people do not realise how dangerous the cold is . ’
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