Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] confined to " in BNC.

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1 Hand contact surfaces : This is one area of disinfection not necessarily confined to high risk zones especially in catering .
2 It clearly implies that racism and ethnocentrism are not necessarily confined to white groups .
3 They remind us that these types of behaviour are not necessarily confined to those with dementia .
4 The greater number of developers are not necessarily confined to any particular geographical area and will , therefore , not only investigate the market potential in the immediate locality of their home base , but Will be equally prepared to operate at a distance .
5 Moreover , projects are not necessarily confined to one ‘ area ’ .
6 The offence extends to oral misdescription and is not necessarily confined to a contractual relationship with the customer ( Fletcher v Sledmore [ 1973 ] RTR 371 ) .
7 Because scientific needs often overlap the sharp boundaries drawn for good commercial reasons , such combined resources are not necessarily confined to C&P. thus , a further 500 researchers work for ICI Films and ICI Advanced Materials alongside C&P personnel at the Wilton Technical Centre , which is mainly concerned with materials .
8 In this sense collective bargaining is not only confined to formalised , written agreements between trade unions and employers ' bodies , it can also include informal , collective dealings and negotiations at local level , both on wage and non-wage issues , between managements and works councils or similar bodies in countries like Austria and West Germany , even though in the latter country collective bargaining and the co-determination mechanisms are supposed to be kept separate .
9 It appears to broaden the categories of non-consent so that , for example , fraud is not merely confined to fraud as to the nature of the act or husband impersonation , as it is at English common law .
10 Hence the Left was not merely confined to two small and quarrelsome groups outside the Labour Party but the Party itself was quite satisfied to keep things that way .
11 Building on the Warsaw Philharmonic 's pre-war advocacy of such Polish composers as Szymanowski ( of whose Third Symphony and ballet Harnasie he made particularly strong recordings ) , Rowicki moulded the orchestra into a responsive vehicle for an exceptionally talented native generation : collaborations with Penderecki , Gorecki , Lutoslawski and a dozen other composers were a regular feature of the National Philharmonic 's concert season and not just confined to the Warsaw Autumn festival of contemporary music .
12 Specialised computing functions were not just confined to scientific and mathematical calculators .
13 Patinated metalwork is not just confined to Japan .
14 It would take many pages to list all the ones which have been identified by researchers today , but the phenomenon was not just confined to recordings .
15 Of course , Bryan Adams ' talents are not just confined to singing and playing .
16 Of course , persuasion is not just confined to selling .
17 Aggression is not just confined to the larger breeds however , but can also be noted in the case of small dogs .
18 Nowadays , the printing is not just confined to the head of the paper .
19 It hinted at the indiscrimination of death , that it was not just confined to the sick or injured .
20 The selling effort is not just confined to the Promotion element in the marketing mix .
21 The environment in North Yorkshire is not just confined to the green field sites , it is also confined to the the small villages , the market towns .
22 The savings are not just confined to sharing overheads like accommodation , services and phone system .
23 These are more pervasive influences , not usually confined to any one time , and may be said to define the personal milieu in which the child spends his early years .
24 Mark you , Squirrell was not solely confined to these stylistic limitations .
25 Usually these second droppings are much more random and are not often confined to the widely-used lavatorial system .
26 It was Cubitt who noted that ‘ artistic knowledge and cultured tastes are not now confined to what are sometimes called the upper classes ’ and the German historian , Muthesius , saw that ‘ within Nonconformity , each individual layman 's romanticism has begun to show itself — as seen in the architectural achievements of the Congregationalists ’ .
27 It should be noted also that many sociologists would argue-particularly Goode , for example ( Goode , 1970 ) — that these changes are not simply confined to Britain and the United States but are taking place throughout the world , although at different paces and starting from different points .
28 His attention is therefore focused upon Britain 's welfare and not simply confined to the balance of trade .
29 Her duties were n't merely confined to waitressing however ; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes .
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