Example sentences of "[adv prt] the [adj] staircase " in BNC.

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1 He walked out of the room and down the broad staircase .
2 When her aunt was dressed she walked slowly down the narrow staircase in front of her in case , in her weak state , she should stumble .
3 So Summerchild locks up his office and goes down the narrow staircase .
4 I walk down the real staircase , but I know , like Lot 's wife knew , that everything is crumbling to a smoke screen behind me , the urge to look back slaps at my face , but there has been enough powder to nothing in my life .
5 So down the wide staircase she goes , past the oak chest with its bowl of white roses on the half-landing , past the Albers squares , past the dim varnished portrait of a full-bosomed crimson gowned pearl-decked eighteenth-century woman who some take to be an ancestor , though she had in fact come with the house , down through the black and white tiled hall with its marble and gilt claw-legged table strewn with Christmas cards , gloves , and glossy free advertising magazines , and into the broad high first floor drawing-room , where sat Charles , drinking a gin and tonic , which she had expected , and talking to Esther and Alix , which she had not .
6 But stolid stonewalling makes for poor copy and dull viewing , and eventually they let him go , although even then a few of the younger and hungrier among them followed him down the wide staircase and out into Piazza Matteotti , hoping for a belated indiscretion .
7 With his two daughters , one holding each hand , he came down the long staircase from the top-floor flat .
8 The study doors are those that face one as one comes down the great staircase .
9 If only I had a crinoline to sweep down the grand staircase in !
10 ‘ So I 've noticed , ’ said Meredith , and he pushed past him impatiently and ran down the grand staircase in search of Bunny .
11 Lastly they went down the main staircase to the Director s office .
12 At that moment Jack Carter and Dougal Munro came down the main staircase .
13 She heard him picking his way carefully down the spiral staircase at the back of the tenement and stood by the window , looking down into the street .
14 Mildred squeezed through the gap and set off as fast as possible along the corridor and down the spiral staircase to the yard .
15 Out of the window , as she hastened down the spiral staircase , Mildred saw the fires which were being lit in the ruins of the old castle where the celebrations were always held .
16 She turned , wrenched open the door and hurled herself down the spiral staircase , pushing blindly through the group below , tears streaming down her face .
17 I run down the spiral staircase and along the empty corridor .
18 Stealthily he slipped down the deserted staircase past the second and third floors without mishap .
19 Julia incredulously heard the Archdeacon say to the Dean , the tone , which was mellifluous , floating up the elegant staircase .
20 I listened to her footsteps cross the hall and start up the great staircase , then proceeded to the doorway myself .
21 It was Mama , though , who wore it in the painting halfway up the great staircase — so that all who passed by could see it and admire .
22 Corbett bowed , withdrew , and spent the rest of the time kicking his heels in an antechamber before a servant imperiously summoned him up the great staircase and ushered him into a brilliantly decorated room .
23 Emily turned and walked up the wide staircase , looking painfully at the bare walls where paintings of her ancestors had hung for generations .
24 She glanced up the wide staircase .
25 Drawing her to her feet , he led her up the wide staircase to a comfortable oak-panelled bedroom which overlooked the eucalyptus trees in the garden .
26 Lee , the helmet once more on his head , went up the dark staircase .
27 The man turns and trots away from me up the right-hand staircase from the mezzanine to the station platform .
28 His hostess was beginning to wilt as she greeted the guests who , by now , were queuing half-way up the grand staircase .
29 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
30 Later , in the chapel adjoining the castle , Father Jerome said Benediction and prayed for Sara and the life that lay before her ; and then she went up the narrow staircase to her bed and , when Candida had helped her to undress , stood a while longer at her window , looking through the narrow slit at the lights in the harbour and the dark , massive mountains behind .
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