Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] jailed for " in BNC.

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1 He has been jailed for explosives offences in Ulster and has previously been denied a visa .
2 Daily Telegraph We 've moved beyond grazing into gulping Al Rosenfeld , publisher of Frozen Food Age A Czech store manager has been jailed for 12 years for stealing-and eating-nearly £60,000 worth of food .
3 CHARLES Keating , a prominent figure in the $500 billion savings and loan scandal in the United States , has been jailed for a total of 10 years for deceiving depositors into buying junk bonds that became worthless .
4 A BOAT skipper who took £100,000 in bookings for a ferry service which did not exist has been jailed for 15 months .
5 A SMOOTH conman has been jailed for conning his way into a £40,000 a year job with the Government .
6 Michael Wainwright , 42 , from Sowerby Bridge , West Yorks. , has been jailed for ten years for entering Iraq .
7 A second Briton , Paul Ride , 33 , has been jailed for seven years on a similar charge .
8 Torrel James , 28 , a policeman in Port-of-Spain and a former Trinidad & Tobago Youth representative opening bowler , has been jailed for 15 years and received 20 lashes with the birch after being found guilty of the attempted murder of his girlfriend and her father in 1989 .
9 A former sheriff of Nottingham has been jailed for fraud .
10 A former Sheriff of Nottingham has been jailed for fraud .
11 A former Sheriff of Nottingham has been jailed for fraud .
12 A VICIOUS pimp — exposed by The People — who beat up prostitutes working for his vice ring has been jailed for three-and-half-years .
13 A Nottingham car salesman who went with two prostitutes aged fourteen and fifteen has been jailed for three years .
14 A Nottingham car salesman who went with two prostitutes aged fourteen and fifteen has been jailed for three years .
15 A man who was caught in possession of a stolen famous painting has been jailed for eighteen months at the High Court in Edinburgh .
16 A Glasgow man who blackmailed gay businessmen by threatening to expose their homosexuality , has been jailed for a total of four and half years at the city 's sheriff court .
17 And still with crime , a former Scotland hockey player has been jailed for her part in armed raids on shops in Glasgow .
18 But first this lunchtime , the man who shot dead a German tourist in Stranraer in July has been jailed for life .
19 A callous gunman who shot a German tourist dead and then shot and stabbed other members of the family has been jailed for life .
20 James Boyce , the Rutherglen man who murdered a German tourist in Stranraer , then shot and stabbed other members of the man 's family , has been jailed for life .
21 An airman accused of setting fire to an RAF hanger has been jailed for five years for arson .
22 A teacher who allowed schoolchildren to have under age sex and drug sessions at his home has been jailed for a year .
23 The IRA terrorist , James Canning , has been jailed for thirty years for conspiracy to cause explosions .
24 A man who gunned down a drugs dealer who supplied his sons with cannibis , has been jailed for life .
25 A twenty five year old father from Worcester has been jailed for two years after his baby daughter suffered horrific injuries while in his care .
26 Cecil Jackson has been jailed for life for the murder of his wife : he strangled her and dumped her in a bath of acid .
27 A man who carried out a series of indiscriminate attacks on people he thought were students has been jailed for seven years .
28 Former World Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson has been jailed for six years for raping a former beauty queen .
29 A policeman has been jailed for thirty months after he attacked a motorist and tried to cover up the offence .
30 Drug dealer Danny Gardiner has been jailed for life for the murder of police informer Chalkie White .
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