Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] blamed for " in BNC.

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1 The current poor economic climate has been blamed for total admissions of only 420,000 people , some 300,000 down on the 1988 total and the lowest figure since the show moved to the National Exhibition Centre from London in 1978 .
2 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
3 As far as total dust veil is concerned , it seems to be roughly the same size as the veil from the Agung eruption , which has been blamed for cooling the northern hemisphere by about 0.3 °C in the mid-1960s.There is one key difference , though : El Chichón 's eruption occurred in the northern hemisphere , Agung 's in the south .
4 Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process .
5 The popularity of these films has been blamed for the emergence of Ninja gangs in Lusaka suburbs who wear black masks , carry home-made swords , iron bars , clubs and sticks which they use during burglaries and muggings .
6 Poor patients/parent compliance has been blamed for less than ideal results in major series on constipation in children .
7 Brackish effluent from the farms has been blamed for polluting fresh water on which rice production depends , particularly in the south of the country .
8 The compounds are a major cause of low-level ozone pollution and photo-chemical smog , which has been blamed for damaging human health and contributing to " acid rain " attacks on plants , forests and crops .
9 In recent months , it has been blamed for freak storms in Pacific islands and on the Californian coast , and flooding in Peru .
10 The El Niño climate phenomenon , which has been blamed for widespread droughts in southern Africa , Australia and south-east Asia [ see EDs 57 , 55 ] appears to be over .
11 RTZ 's Tinto Holdings Canada Ltd subsidiary has a controlling interest in a company which mines uranium at Elliot Lake , Ontario , which has been blamed for destroying the fishing-based economy of the local Anishnabe Indians .
12 Despite an agreement between Peabody and the Navajo Tribal Council , pollution from the mines has been blamed for contaminating local water supplies , and forcing Indians to leave their homes .
13 In addition , its oil exploration activities in the Ecuadorian Amazon has been blamed for damaging the hunting economy of the Waorani , Quichua , Siona , Secoya and Cofan Indians , by driving away wildlife and polluting soil and water .
14 The drift net effect has been blamed for unemployment among fishing communities in the Greek Ionian islands , notably Corfu and Cephalonia .
15 The hunting has been blamed for rapid falls in the population of birds .
16 A flying instructor has been blamed for causing a helicopter crash .
17 Mr Delors , president of the European Commission , has been blamed for the threat of a trade war which will hit farmers first … then more specialist manufacturers like the Cotswold Perfumery in Bourton On The Water .
18 And despite the fact that the designer dance drug has been blamed for at least eight deaths , Alan Hewitt , Tyneside manager of the North Eastern Council on Addiction , says requests for information about it have rocketed .
19 A sewage leak has been blamed for polluting Scarborough 's Valley Road pond near the seafront , and killing fish .
20 THE slump in house sales has been blamed for the failure of a West of Scotland estate agents which owes creditors £70,765 .
21 Importation of subsidised coal has been blamed for the closure of Parkside .
22 Corrosion in pipework has been blamed for a gas escape which triggered the operation cloudburst emergency plan in February .
23 So some of the sulphur which has been blamed for causing environmental problems , may before long emerge in the form of ‘ Andricite , ’ plaster and wall-boards in our houses — courtesy of ICI .
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