Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the outset " in BNC.

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1 Systematic multielement regional geochemical mapping of the United Kingdom landmass by the BGS 's Geochemical Survey Programme ( GSP ) has from the outset in 1968 provided regional data on the uranium levels of stream waters and on pH and conductivity , subsequently augmented by measurements of fluoride content and alkalinity .
2 With regard to the United Kingdom 's special treatment in the context of Economic and Monetary Union , it is sometimes forgotten that the EEC Treaty has from the outset required , under Articles 103 and 105 , co-ordination of economic policy and exchange rate policy , and in Opinion 1/91 the European Court also suggested that the attainment of Economic and Monetary Union was already a Community objective ; it should therefore hardly be a surprise that the ECU has been defined in a series of regulations enacted under Article 235 .
3 Her sensitivity at all times to what will run in Cabinet is genuine , even though she always lets colleagues know what she wants at the outset of any discussion .
4 So too does his sometime-sidekick on this journey : a ‘ Soverican ’ jazz drummer-cum-taxidriver named Sasha Zim who is besotted with the unhinged madness of New York and proclaims from the outset that ‘ Broadway is mother of all Broadways all over the world , mother of lights of Picadilly Circus and of Place Pigalle and Teatralny Ploschtchad .
5 As we see in the passage above , Spenser also establishes from the outset the sense that Irish questions participate in larger questions of reformation and the establishment of civilisation .
6 This establishes at the outset for both parties the criterion for evaluation of work done .
7 The attitude of the family has implications for the style of initial assessment carried out by the psychiatrist ; if the psychiatrist realises from the outset that other agencies are involved then consent of the family for reports may be obtained at an early stage .
8 But if , at the time the shares are subscribed they carry no voting rights for , say , the first five years , this does not give rise to a chargeable event when the five years have elapsed , because the entitlement to vote after five years exists from the outset .
9 Matthew states from the outset that the purpose of this child will be to offer salvation from sin or , in other words , bring people back to God .
10 Tension eases with the passage of time , no matter how unbearable it seems at the outset .
11 But it 's clear that no amount of research will answer what seems at the outset to be a simple question , that is , ‘ Is golf good for the environment ? ’ the reply has to be , ‘ It depends . ’
12 An additional incentive is that a garden , in contrast to its associated historic building , does not always need substantial sums for major fabric repairs at the outset and can be revived over a longer period of time .
13 ‘ Scientific writers , novelists and poets , ’ she insists at the outset , ‘ can all be found putting forward similar views of humanity , society and nature , often by means of similar language and imagery , ’
14 Dunning and Murphy have tried to argue that violent street-gangs , whose antics led to several alarmed inquiries around the turn of the century , were likely to have been present at football matches from the outset .
15 For instance , although he borrows the concept of mood from linguistics , he recognizes from the outset that , in contrast to ordinary language , narrative only knows the indicative mood ( there is no imperative or subjunctive forms of narrative ) , and that if his use of the term is to have any value at all it must be ‘ stretched ’ and given a metaphorical function .
16 John , whose Gospel scheme does not include , except by implication , the story of what the church , equipped with the Holy Spirit , achieved , and therefore could not make room for Pentecost ( as Luke does at the outset of his second volume ) , nevertheless makes the same point with considerable clarity In the first chapter of his Gospel he stresses that the Spirit rests exclusively upon Jesus , the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of the Old Testament for the bearer of the Spirit .
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