Example sentences of "[was/were] summed [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Early in the thirteenth century the aspirations of the knightly class were summed up in the Life of William the Marshal , a great man who , had he lived in the twentieth century , might have made his choice between being a high civil servant and a champion professional boxer .
2 My own ideas about creativity were summed up in the Verbal Arts Manifesto which I wrote with Anne Cluysenaar and Alan Young in 1982 .
3 Their findings were summed up in the feasibility study published in February 1986 , which predicted a minimum weekly sale of 800,000 and a maximum of 1.5 million .
4 Official perspectives of this kind were summed up in the ‘ Programmatic Declaration ’ adopted by the 28th Party Congress in July 1990 .
5 His feelings were summed up in his oft-quoted statement ‘ God does not play dice . ’
6 Nevertheless , Einstein never accepted that the universe was governed by chance ; his feelings were summed up in his famous statement " God does not play dice . "
7 According to the SD report itself , the main interest of the population in Hitler 's speech lay in his assessment of the military situation in the east , and the generalized response to the ‘ prophecy ’ passage was summed up in the single sentence quoted above .
8 The gist of it was summed up in the formula cuius regio , eius religio which meant that each king or prince had the right to choose the religion of his subjects .
9 Philip Miller 's appreciation was summed up in the Abridgement of 1754 , where he considered roses to have
10 The programme of black capitalism resurgent was summed up in the wall slogan , apropos attacking the Koreans ' stores : ‘ Day One , burn them out .
11 This definition was summed up in the formula libertas ecclesiae , by which was understood the independence of the Church from all lay interference in ecclesiastical appointments , in the exercise of the Church 's spiritual functions , in the administration of its temporal rights and properties , and in the immunity of clerical persons from secular jurisdiction .
12 His approach to clients was summed up in a remark I overheard him make to a colleague at the bar : ‘ You know me — I believe everybody ’ .
13 Official despair was summed up in a letter from Sir Edward Howarth , Director of the National Camps Corporation ( which ran the schools ) to N. D. Bosworth Smith of the Board of Education , on 13 August 1942 ; Howarth had just read the latest report on the children 's growth rates and commented :
14 Sutcliffe adds ( p. 149 ) : The girls ' collective perception of usage at home was summed up in the comment " plien [ plain ] English — and sometimes Jamaican' …
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