Example sentences of "[was/were] thus able [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This could only be good news and we were thus able to turn our attention to even remoter areas of the north .
2 He withdrew striker Steve Flanagan and brought on young Sean Dowling at right-back , Farnham were thus able to rely on a strong midfield presence of Millard , Daly and May , with Deighan and Stairs looking to stretch Cranleigh wide on the flanks .
3 Investigations into the activities of this particular gang had been carried out over a very long period and they had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers who were thus able to feed us all the necessary information towards a successful interception .
4 They were thus able to devote more attention to two increasingly critical areas .
5 We were thus able to control , to some extent , for socio-economic characteristics of the environment , and for the amount of policing .
6 We were thus able to compare the responses of teachers to the contrasting schemes of these two LEAs .
7 Other chemical manufacturers were thus able to install the tower .
8 Fortunately , they were thus able to agree on her name .
9 Given plenty of liquidity in the economy , these institutions , by offering higher interest rates than the clearing banks , attracted deposits and were thus able to expand their loans .
10 Hall argued , however , that even this least satisfactory outcome would be worth while if it meant some of the long-term unemployed in the inner cities obtained jobs , and were thus able to climb up the skills and income levels .
11 In the nature of things , only a tiny minority had the control of , or access to , the press and were thus able to exercise this freedom .
12 Glashow , Salam and Ward were thus able to show in 1959 that taking g equal to the electric charge e gave the mass M w in terms of the two fundamental constants e and Gv , in the same way that Maxwell demonstrated that the velocity of light was given in terms of the two fundamental constants of electricity and magnetism .
13 They were thus able to get the best of both worlds .
14 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
15 The team was thus able to migrate from planning , through drafting and manufacture , to assembly and commissioning , with up to three exchanging roles at any time .
16 The ability to propagate cracks freely under a small stress was not wholly a disadvantage to primitive man who was thus able to shape flint and obsidian , which are more or less natural glasses , into various cutting tools .
17 He was thus able to acquire an unusually extensive knowledge for his day of ancient literature , including the works of St Augustine and the scientific writings of the elder Pliny .
18 Germany was thus able to carry out its promise to recognize Slovenia and Croatia " before Christmas " .
19 Charles was thus able to mobilize French resources for war more effectively than his predecessors , and to pay his troops more regularly .
20 Following Franco 's example , Hedilla had transferred his headquarters from Burgos to Salamanca in October , and was thus able to see Franco quite frequently .
21 During the relevant years the school had surplus pupil capacity and was thus able to take the sons of the taxpayers without turning away other boys able to satisfy the educational entry requirement .
22 The problem of how to produce a red wine was as acute in Dom Pérignon 's time as it is today , but according to Frère Pierre he found a solution to the problem by using old vines and selecting only the ripest grapes ; he was thus able to achieve three or four successful vintages of decently coloured wines for about every ten , when the vines might enjoy exceptional warmth during the summer .
23 Evangelical propaganda was thus able to achieve a sharp impact : while evangelicals like James Plumptree and Thomas Bowdler produced expurgated songs and literature , evangelical intellectuals like William Wilberforce , Hannah More and others such as Thornton and Stephen associated in the Clapham sect set up as moulders of a new ideology of domesticity , which not only proposed the family as a Christian haven in a disrupted world , but put forward a code of rules and regulations for the governing of individual lives .
24 George turned professional in 1886 and was thus able to confront over a mile the leading pedestrian of the Victorian age — William Jeffrey Cummings ( 1858–1919 ) of Paisley .
25 In 1972 , Henley formed a special link with Brunel , the University of West London and was thus able to offer postgraduate degrees validated by the University .
26 He was thus able to make , economically , this form of phosphorus which was a main factor in bringing about the widespread use of safety matches .
27 Macmillan was thus able to pursue his own policies during his second term in office rather than having to concentrate on damage limitation forced upon him by Anthony Eden 's Suez disaster .
28 Her toe was rigged up to a bell , and she would ring this , using a number code to spell out messages , and by this means she was thus able to communicate her needs , and keep up some sort of conversation .
29 While the pope was thus able to tax the English church only by the will of the king , the king 's taxation was no longer restrained by canon law or at the mercy of the pope or — to any great extent — of an archbishop .
30 This bank was thus able to expand its loans by £2,200 , i.e. £2,700 ( Stage 3 ) minus £500 ( Stage 1 ) .
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