Example sentences of "[be] counted as [art] " in BNC.

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1 If someone else was paying rates on your behalf then you may still be counted as a ratepayer so check with your council if you are unsure whether you qualify .
2 In it , we have argued , as practising Christians , that the Church should take a more liberal and compassionate view of sex , because we fail to see how intercourse between two consenting adults can be counted as a sin .
3 If a group lacked one of the specified features , it could not be counted as a nation .
4 Thus , the Jews lacked a common language and territory and so could not be counted as a nation .
5 It was my good fortune to see a lot of Emily Carr and to be counted as a friend , for she claimed she had only a few .
6 Even if an intervention is successful in solving a discrete problem like this , the whole process can not be counted as a success if every step has to be repeated for the next discrete problem .
7 The British crown lacked power ; Alexander III of Russia described it as ‘ hardly to be counted as a monarchy , but rather as a Crown by election ’ .
8 All this , says Mr Record , ‘ must be counted as a major American political defeat . ’
9 People have converted them into showers , poolside bars , intimate snugs in gay bars , fish tanks ( a favourite ) , aviaries , greenhouses , bookcases , cocktail cabinets , barbecues ( you take the glass out and add a chimney stack ) , coffins and lavatories ( if that can be counted as a conversion ) .
10 DoubleClickSpeed=452 : Longest time allowed between two mouse clicks for them still to be counted as a double click .
11 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
12 This obviously can not be counted as a social welfare gain ( or loss ) .
13 Then the cross-hatched area can now be counted as a welfare gain .
14 I do not want to stand up and be counted as a supporter of those demands .
15 However , if he or she , after the initial surprise of the taste and the recognised " feel " of the alcohol , took another sip " just to make sure " , this would constitute a deliberate act and would therefore be counted as a sip .
16 The cut-off rules which determine which records will be retrieved , and what weight a record has to achieve for it to be counted as a possible match , are fairly complex and purely pragmatic , being based on experience from repetition of real searches .
17 ‘ In only the broadest and I may say sloppiest usage of the term would this obsessive little undeadnik be counted as a dybbuk .
18 Inasmuch as the Bretton Woods system contributed both as a framework for the expansion of the other capitalist countries and as a mechanism for granting US exports and capital access as soon as practicable , it can only be counted as a success .
19 Specifically , it obliges the young person to wear the tefillin ( the symbolic ‘ boxes ’ of the law worn by the orthodox ) when engaged in weekday prayers ; to participate in the synagogue services by being ‘ called to the law ’ ( a particular privilege and responsibility for a Cohen ) ; to be counted as an adult in the community for the purpose of establishing a quorum by which no service ( or synagogue , indeed ) could be instituted .
20 For example , if readers agree that incorporation is the only feasible and desirable route to social development ( e.g. Bauer 1976 : 66f. ) , then soil erosion has to be counted as an inevitable cost .
21 There were other cases of deaths in the streets which could not be cleared up , except as ‘ accidents ’ , and reluctance to give evidence must be counted as an important aspect of popular hostility towards the law .
22 If your army does not include a Battle Standard then the Emperor 's Standard carried by Ludwig Schwarzhelm may be counted as the army 's Battle Standard .
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