Example sentences of "[is] borne [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 That hunch is borne out in answers Hungarians gave to more probing questions .
2 This assessment is borne out in part by what Gandhi himself says about the need for sexual renunciation in order to realize God .
3 That this can be done is borne out in practice , and it is sometimes noted that , in the course of treatment for some long-standing chronic condition , patients will re-experience old symptoms which they may have forgotten about .
4 In addition , depth-first search minimises storage requirements , but ignoring objective function values completely does not seem very sensible and this is borne out in practice .
5 Jose 's point about the media 's ability to incite trouble is borne out in one case which involved radio broadcasts .
6 The incidence of high rates of non-returners is borne out in a Far Eastern Economic Review report which suggested that out of the 50,000 scholars sent abroad since 1978 , at the start of the reform decade , only 20,000 have returned .
7 So comparing alternatives which are alike save in the form of organisation , we see that the theoretical expectation that superior motivation , the plus-factor available to the co-operative form , should enable it to out-produce the conventional form is borne out in practice .
8 The complexities of the arrangements made for pilgrimages is borne out in a number of ways .
9 The third round is generally regarded as a consolidation round , and this is borne out in the figures with an average of 68.3 before the final charge to victory .
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