Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] emphasized that " in BNC.

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1 It should be emphasized that this level of explanation does not commit the functionalist to a belief in any non-physical substances or processes .
2 It should be emphasized that not all the research findings were so gloomy and critical : the studies found much evidence of good decisions and good practice which were appreciated by parents .
3 It should be emphasized that the CMHTs frequently worked in partnership with other elements of the voluntary and social services sectors ( see Table 5 ) .
4 It should be emphasized that all these complications are exceedingly rare in the Western world today .
5 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
6 It should be emphasized that this policy initiative was part of much broader policy changes in the city , set in motion by a new Labour leadership elected in May 1980 .
7 However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
8 While the distribution of resources will inevitably continue to be uneven , it should be emphasized that awareness of , and use made of resources can be as important as funding or staff available .
9 It should be emphasized that the interpretation of users ' actions is to some extent context-driven .
10 However , it should be emphasized that even in the East End a large majority of the native host population were anti-fascist .
11 It should be emphasized that this rather high-flown detour from our primary thrust in this book has not been made in order to identify the nature of philosophy .
12 It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems .
13 It should be emphasized that they were not serious attempts to take her life but cries for help .
14 Again it should be emphasized that the incentives need not be based upon financial performance but might be linked to other proxies of effort ; productivity measures and the like .
15 It should be emphasized that this has nothing to do with our normal perception of color ; quarks are far too small to be seen by visible light .
16 Indeed , it should be emphasized that Picasso had been dissatisfied with the limitations imposed on pictorial volumes by a scientific or linear system of perspective for some time before he became aware of the fact that Cézanne 's painting suggested a new concept of form and space .
17 ( It should be emphasized that these terms are just labels : quarks are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light and so do not have any color in the normal sense .
18 It should be emphasized that this division into four classes is man-made ; it is convenient for the construction of partial theories , but it may not correspond to anything deeper .
19 We use the dynamic competitive firm operating under spot price uncertainty as the vehicle for our analysis , though it should be emphasized that it is not the firm per se that interests us but , rather , the risk , the dynamics , the complexity , and the optimality .
20 At the outset it should be emphasized that while the index is constructed from Japanese data , it is unlikely that it will simply capture Japanese investment alone in estimation .
21 Finally , it should be emphasized that the constraint , is an artificial one ; the main purpose of introducing it is to bring out the consequences of the assumptions made in different studies .
22 It should be emphasized that use of sorting and grain size comparators is only valid for sediments which have not undergone compaction ( see Section 5.3.2 ) .
23 Er , Birmingham region , Brian , who will count G M B Scotland Lancashire region , John who will count Southern Liverpool region , Alan who will count South Western London , Bill who will count Yorkshire Midland , Colin who will count Birmingham Northern , Derek who will count Lancashire G M B Scotland , Mary , who will count Liverpool Southern , Jack who will count London South Western , John , the other John , who will count Midland Yorkshire , Ray who will count Northern er , and now the pep talk it should be emphasized that tellers must remain in the congress hall while congress is in session and of course that delegates must be in their allotted seats when a vote is taken .
24 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
25 In case this formulation of ‘ taking without permission ’ sounds too close to an analogy with theft , it must be emphasized that the crucial element in sexual assault resides in the close interrelationship between the body and the personality .
26 While crime overall has been increasing , it must be emphasized that both the reality and the fear of victimization are considerably greater in some areas than others .
27 It must be emphasized that the goal of transferability applies equally to the practical and the theoretical , to skills and to knowledge , to arts and to science , and it should be the overriding aim of school education .
28 On the other hand it must be emphasized that , while God is the answer to all doubt , theologically correct God-answers are not necessarily the answer .
29 It must be emphasized that there is nothing very special about thin glass fibres which is specifically due to their thinness as such .
30 Finally , it must be emphasized that social workers need confidence in handling research as evaluative studies will reveal disappointments as well as achievements .
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