Example sentences of "[subord] he studied the " in BNC.

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1 Carter , accordingly , seemed to believe that if he studied the energy problem in sufficient detail and drew on the views of the appropriate experts his administration could develop an adequate policy .
2 He was gritting his teeth against the pain , keeping it at bay while he studied the stump , the severed hand .
3 The trooper in attendance kept pace , but his head was mostly turned away from his charge while he studied the occasional stands of trees or searched the landscape for hidden folds from which an ambush might be mounted .
4 The leader of the trio , an ample-bellied type with a tweed cap and one of those quilted waistcoats which look like half-inflated life jackets , sniffed the air as he studied the blackboard which serves the Rambler as a menu .
5 His chair was pulled close to the stove so that he could prop one elbow against the chimney as he studied the pages of his newspaper .
6 Even as he studied the pages of his comic , his ears and senses were alert to the smallest sounds coming from the rest of the house .
7 Little Red Riding Hood came into Trent 's thoughts as he studied the scene .
8 As he studied the list of names of men who had evaded the Dragoons , the names of 2 Ayrshiremen took his attention , both for the length of time they had eluded ‘ justice ’ .
9 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
10 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
11 ‘ No wonder no one knew about him ! ’ the sergeant exclaimed as he studied the identity card he had found in the man 's wallet .
12 Benjamin , however , cleaned his teeth , cupping his hand occasionally as he studied the end of the toothpick .
13 He looked calmly through the windscreen , his face betraying nothing but admiration as he studied the elegant lines of the ultra-modern split-level house standing on the banks of the river , but Fran was n't fooled .
14 There was such tenderness in his face as he studied the tears flowing down her cheeks that she cried all the harder .
15 She heard him mutter something which might have been a mild swear word as he studied the Dobermann 's handiwork , but , his examination over , she quickly pulled up her sock again , and just as quickly planted that foot alongside her other one .
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