Example sentences of "[vb base] picked [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Police officers called at his home but were forced to withdraw when Say picked up a shotgun and placed the barrels in his mouth .
2 The torches beam picked out a notice telling of the Covenanters who had been imprisoned there three hundred and fifty years before and another commemorating the once famous Scots buried under the damp , heavy earth .
3 You 've picked up a book — you might even have bought it — that you thought was about cancer , but all you 're getting is an incoherent autobiography about an unknown .
4 There 's the odd exception where I 've picked up a brand new one and it 's worked right away .
6 ‘ We 've picked up a distress signal .
7 ‘ I 've picked up a bit , ’ Emily said , ‘ but the law takes a kind of mind .
8 You see , we 've picked up a thief who had a cape he admits to stealing .
9 You can already manage horses better than any man I know — with the possible exception of Tom here — and you 've picked up a good general knowledge of farming .
10 I 'm a dealer and I 've picked up a couple of pieces which I can probably place with clients
11 We 've picked out a few of the very best places and entertainments for our trips programme to give you a taste of one of the most attractive areas in Spain .
12 We 've picked out a few packages from the Windows range , more or less at random , just to whet your appetite .
13 But City have picked up a bit with a draw at Chelsea and a comfortable win against Crystal Palace , and with the suspended Morley replaced by Oldfield , who knows where the goal is , they will be confident today .
14 Once you have picked up a signal you concentrate in that area until the signal is received at the greatest possible volume .
15 Top equity and foreign exchange dealers have picked up a minimum of £200,000 before bonuses and perks — the real whiz-kids making upwards of £300,000 .
16 ‘ The C & D category societies ( the smallest ) have picked up a lot of savings business by offering high interest rates , but that money has to be lent out and the sort of mortgage business they have been picking up at the rates they charge looks very doubtful to me .
17 Both Arsenal and United have picked up a stack of yellow cards .
18 In San Salvador , children have picked up a catchy radio tune about the Condor brand of condoms and can be heard singing in the streets : " Condor is your friend , — always take him with you ! "
19 At the other end of the scale , however , our machines have picked up a host of animal noises at frequencies above the range of our ears , called ultrasound .
20 On a lighter note police radios have picked up a Christmas tree decoration 's rendition of Jingle Bells , and their portable radios have operated the police car locking systems .
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