Example sentences of "[vb mod] build [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , a designer may build up a sequence of actions which an operator must follow in order to cause his product to function properly — he has synthesised the task from a knowledge of how the machine or other product was designed to function .
2 It is thought that the defence is most relevant in the context of take-overs where a merchant bank may build up a stake in a target company for a prospective bidder .
3 If you listen carefully , over two or three interviews you may build up an understanding of the themes and patterns of what the person is trying to say , through watching out for repetition .
4 You must build up a small library of your own : one or two books will not be enough ; you should , ideally , have at least two on each topic .
5 We must contact these people , we must build back the confidence to the unemployed , we 've given these people who are unemployed our good training , we need their expertise to come back and fight again if we 're gon na have any hope for the future .
6 We should build up the Western European Union as the defence pillar of the European union , but the treaty embodies the view set out in the Anglo-Italian proposal two months ago , and endorsed at last month 's summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation that whatever we do at European level must be compatible with NATO .
7 You might build up the fire a little . ’
8 As the band were good enough live , we could build up a ground swell of interest at a local level which then translated into national success .
9 Like animals , they are great levellers — not remotely impressed by a string of titles — and he always found he could build up a good rapport with them .
10 He could build up a knowledge of who he was , piece by piece .
11 So , for a few pounds a month now , you could build up a very welcome nest-egg for yourself and provide financial protection for your family at the same time .
12 Perhaps over the generations the interaction between a particular cultural context and the energy pattern at a place could build up a strong image or archetype .
13 One veteran observer of the New York museum scene summarised the insular society 's predicament : ‘ During the 60s , 70s and 80s when all other institutions realised that there was no way that they could build up an endowment without catering to the masses and without appealing to the federal government , museums went with cap in hand ; they saw this was now the game .
14 ‘ I believe we could build up the parliamentary group to more than 100 members . ’
15 He could overrule , as it were , by sending " public " preachers , for example to preach a crusade and , most important , he could build up the power of the monasteries by granting or confirming exemption from the diocesan .
16 Me an ’ Gerry 'd build up the kitchen fire and we 'd sit there and talk about what we 'd do if we won the Irish Sweepstake .
17 This is a scaled-down version of what originally was to be an ambitious orbiting craft that would build up a picture of the planet 's surface using radar .
18 He knew that when the circle was spinning fast enough against the standing magical field of the discworld itself in its slow turning , the resulting astral friction would build up a vast potential difference which would earth itself by a vast discharge of the Elemental Magical Force .
19 This would build up a fund from which they could afford to bid for new discoveries at fair market prices .
20 ‘ Contacts at professional and academic level , seminars , familiarisation with techniques , will build up a rapport which tends to pay off in the long run , ’ he said .
21 If you scatter seed on the ground you will build up a substantial clientele of birds such as chaffinches which do not readily come to hanging food and birdtables .
22 The apostle Paul , while encouraging the Corinthians earnestly to desire spiritual gifts , especially that they might prophesy , has another conviction about what will build up the church , namely , the preaching and teaching of scripture .
23 The college says the exercise will build up the young people 's confidence and help them to work as a team .
24 By criticizing the Conservative Party mid-term the right-wing press can build up a certain degree of credibility with its readers which it can then use to maximum effect by suspending criticism of the Conservative Party and increasing its attacks on Labour as the election approaches .
25 We shall never know exactly the sequence of events in St Pierre on that morning , but we can build up a fairly accurate picture from the physical evidence of the ruins , and the reports of eyewitnesses .
26 This section discusses these pensions , how they can be increased by additional voluntary contributions , how you can build up a pension if you have no access to an employer 's scheme and how divorce affects your right to your ex-husband 's pension .
27 And its accurate mounting and sophisticated computer-control allow astronomers to scan the infrared detector along a source with such precision that it can build up a detailed infrared picture , line by line .
28 ‘ If we can map the isotopic composition of lead in the region we are looking at , ie the Mediterranean , ’ said Gail , ‘ then we can build up a database of trade movement ’ .
29 From evidence such as this we can build up a picture of a society in which child mortality was common ; in which many of the children who survived their first year none the less died before they were twenty , as was still the case down to the early nineteenth century ; in which a serious famine or an outbreak of disease might rapidly depopulate a whole region — and yet in which the expectation of life of those who passed twenty was probably not sensationally lower than it is today .
30 Many mothers of sons never see them to talk to on their own from the day they marry , because their daughters-in-law always expect to be present on every conceivable occasion , and this is something that can build up a very understandable resentment .
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