Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] no [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His sisters and brothers-in-law would now concern themselves with his property , his effects and his will , assuming that he had left one , which , having known George , wag by no means a foregone conclusion .
2 The times and places of striking advance in productivity have by no means generally been times and places of educational advance ; nor , where they have been , is it clear whether this is cause and effect or , if so , which is cause and which effect .
3 This time we have by no means exhausted the resources of invention , but these possibilities contain perhaps enough plausibility to be getting on with .
4 Redundancies have by no means been restricted to those nearing the end of their careers or whose job performance has been subject to criticism .
5 ‘ We have by no means demonstrated that this deficit is responsible for all , or in fact any of the symptoms . ’
6 Although US unions have been associated with support for the Democratic Party , the politicians and policies they have backed have by no means been the most socialist of those on offer .
7 The universities of Europe which have not been influenced by the analytical tradition … have by no means represented any unitary tradition .
8 Latter-day multiculturalisms , to turn our attention back to them , have by no means overcome the weaknesses of earlier discourses and policy interventions , despite the greater attention given to cultural pluralism and diversity ( cf.
9 Video or slide presentations undoubtedly have their place , but they have by no means supplanted the need for high quality publications .
10 While many local authorities are now organizing care of this sort for disabled elderly people living at home , the similar needs of people with chronic mental disorder have by no means been as widely recognized .
11 Soviet naval forces have been present in the Gulf but they have by no means matched the American military presence in the form of a small naval force permanently stationed there and facilities in Oman and sometimes Bahrain .
12 But other features have become established parts of the Anglo-American critical tradition , and have by no means necessarily been superseded .
13 They represent by no means all that could be said : only study and practice can lead you to develop the ability to produce clear and precise meanings through the written word .
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