Example sentences of "[adv] hope for [art] " in BNC.

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1 One would obviously hope for a linear dependence of the A-measure on area .
2 Now Rebecca 's family can only hope for a suitable kidney from an accident victim .
3 But it was probably too late to persuade Bigwig to be gentle : he could only hope for the best .
4 He does n't just hope for the best in other people — he genuinely believes in it .
5 Well we will just hope for the best , he 's not going up there so that 's one less .
6 If the chosen section has the greatest possible diversity and abundance of rapidly evolving fossils , we can then hope for the greatest possible number of different means for correlation .
7 Thus deceived , lied to by the leaders they had trusted , in the chill , grey dawn on Friday 6 December 1745 the unbeaten Jacobite army turned its back on its objective and the long and pointless retreat — pointless because they could never hope for a better opportunity than this — began .
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