Example sentences of "[adv] fully [conj] possible " in BNC.

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1 The seller , if he is to receive cash or debt securities rather than shares , would want a price that reflected as fully as possible the value to the buyer of creating a monopoly ( and thus the lost chance for the seller to do it himself ) .
2 Reddy employed the same technique as Johansson to arrive at the least expensive energy — first estimating needs , then filling them through sources of power and energy efficiency , starting with the cheapest method , and when that was used as fully as possible , moving to the next cheapest .
3 Damien paused to savour the moment as fully as possible .
4 Start by covering the base of the tank as fully as possible with undergravel filter plates .
5 The aim of the circular walk I 've devised is to capture as fully as possible the incredible magic of the Lakes .
6 A pupil who is making a constant effort to use vision as fully as possible in school tasks may sometimes find this effort to be somewhat of an overload when his or her general level of well-being is low , for instance , when suffering from a cold or feeling particularly tired .
7 In each case one begins with a problem , seeks to understand it as fully as possible , works out purposes , devises a plan of action , carries it out , and reviews what has happened in order to judge its implications for future action .
8 The National Council of Churches of Kenya ( NCCK ) has launched a programme of ‘ Education for Participatory Democracy ’ to help Kenyans participate as fully as possible in the country 's transition to democratic rule .
9 This article aims to explore these questions on exercise as fully as possible .
10 The duke himself , meanwhile , wanted to establish himself in the north as quickly and as fully as possible , and control of the Neville affinity offered one means to that end .
11 In part it was done by exploiting as fully as possible many small miscellaneous sources of income , such as fines on recusants and the revenue of vacant episcopal sees ; in part by careful and economic management — the household expenses were kept rigidly down in an age of inflation and the building of royal palaces was brought to an end ; in part by rewarding courtiers and officials from wardships and monopolies .
12 And the man in question is not a philosophical or statistical abstraction from reality , but the reality itself ; not a theoretician 's concept to play a mechanical part in a Marxist phenomenology of history or a philosopher-king 's model of ideal society , but flesh and blood ; the thinking and feeling individual whose right it is to make his life , including his working life , as fully as possible his own in a society the essential purpose of which should be to maximise his chances of doing so .
13 But if this state of comparative retirement owed much to his desire to experience as fully as possible the companionship of marriage , it was also imposed upon him by the demands of his still fragile health .
14 We 're also committed to tenant participation and er we 've done a couple of exercises already on the scheme and we 've secured some funding from the housing corporation to employ Anglian Design on our behalf with the the housing association er , to involve the tenants as fully as possible in the er , development process .
15 Recipients of services , whether they are referred to as users , clients or patients , are entitled to be consulted about their treatment and care and to participate as fully as possible in decisions about their lives .
16 For instance , in the squatting ‘ demoiselle ’ Picasso had dislocated and distended the various parts of the body in an attempt to explain it as fully as possible , without the limitations of viewing it from a single , stationary position .
17 When these are violated in his painting , it is because the pictorial theory involved conflicted with his intensely visual and empirical approach , and with his desire to reconstruct the three-dimensional form of his subjects as fully as possible .
18 It is impossible to say to what extent Cézanne was aware of the fact that he was doing this , and in the process breaking the laws of scientific linear perspective , but it seems likely that it was part of a natural desire to emphasize the two-dimensional aspect of the canvas while continuing to explain the nature of objects and also insisting on their solidity by modelling them as fully as possible .
19 Picasso , who was anxious to paint an object as he ‘ thought ’ it , or to express his ideas about it , was naturally anxious to explain as fully as possible the nature of its formal composition .
20 But no system can wholly protect fools from their own folly or from the knavery of others , and the advantages of trying to do so as fully as possible have to be weighed against the disadvantages of imposing fetters on business conducted honestly and efficiently .
21 And this is what distinguishes the reading of literature from the reading of philosophy which requires that one understands as fully as possible what is meant , and where it is assumed that the writing will illustrate the meaning in a direct and immediate way .
22 This will become more evident if we go on to consider democracy in its larger sense as a state of affairs in which all citizens participate , and are encouraged to participate , as fully as possible in the organization and regulation of their whole social life .
23 I have responded as fully as possible when the hon. Gentleman has raised the matter , and I have drawn it to the attention of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
24 Given the responsibilities the CNAA shouldered by virtue of its Charter , given its anxiety to ensure that its procedures safeguarded standards as fully as possible , and given the diversity of the institutions with which it had to deal , the CNAA moved cautiously in its discussions about relinquishing or reducing control over any aspects of the work its procedures were designed to monitor .
25 The duke himself , meanwhile , wanted to establish himself in the north as quickly and as fully as possible , and control of the Neville affinity offered one means to that end .
26 In some cases it can be difficult or even impossible to find texts again ( for example if the text is a lecture , or a television programme ) , but you should still keep details of them as fully as possible , so that your reader knows exactly where ideas or words come from .
27 However , in treating the subject as fully as possible , the book does contain specimen clauses .
28 Her mother had lived her life as fully as possible without the man she loved ; she could do the same .
29 ‘ Yet that is the only way to ensure that Scotland 's health is promoted as fully as possible , ’ say the Aberdeen economists .
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