Example sentences of "[adv] down the slope " in BNC.

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1 FREEZING snow whipped our faces as we peered nervously down the slope .
2 It ran gently down the slope , and there it might have stopped but for Donald .
3 In the lead-lined gutter behind the parapet , just down the slope of the roof beneath the window , is something white with writing on it .
4 One more adventurous boy decided to explore the overgrown slope behind the hut and he was pushing his way through the undergrowth when he caught sight of a figure approaching the hut further down the slope ; the boy was close enough to see that the figure was that of a tramp wearing tattered clothing and crowned with a battered trilby hat .
5 We went further down the slope to practise parachute landing falls and ground handling skills — everything you need to know before actually launching yourself off the side of a hill .
6 Ace caught it , almost pulled Defries from her perch , released it , and rolled to a stop a few metres further down the slope .
7 HQ Company — straight down the slope — BY THE LEFT …
8 Oz edged carefully down the slope , crouching every now and then as he reached a little bilberry bush .
9 Maxim touched George 's arm and they moved carefully down the slope and well upstream from the farm stepped into the stinging cold water .
10 An expression of pure horror shaped itself on his features as he slithered helplessly down the slope and plunged headlong into the stinking waters of Mucky Beck .
11 They passed below them , into the narrower part of the field between the two copses , and it was not until Acorn had been sent half-way down the slope to attract their attention that they turned and came up to the ditch .
12 Mahmoud did not say anything but started immediately down the slope .
13 Kiku rode sedately down the slope towards Burun and Suragai followed her like a shadow .
14 From the road , Leck Fell declines in a mile-long slope to Ease Gill and its main concentration of potholes are reached in a ten-minute walk ; others , much lower down the slope , form part of the Ease Gill cave system and are too far to be visited if Gragareth is also in the itinerary .
15 Miss Logan was slightly alarmed by the sudden presence of this group of nomads , whose flock could be seen lower down the slope , but Miss Fergusson directed her horse straight towards them .
16 To avoid their notice , and give them time to get clear of the folded valley before he ventured it , he turned on a contour course towards Ruthyn , and kept in the fringes of the forest , watching the glint of steel come and go on the track lower down the slope , drawing steadily nearer to him , but some half-mile below .
17 He unhitched his mare , and led her warily down the slope to the Goldbach stream , stumbling and shivering in the raw morning air .
18 Inch by inch — then , as loose shale slid frighteningly from under her feet , a sudden foot or more at a time — Sheila made her way perilously down the slope .
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