Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] excess of " in BNC.

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1 Following Schmalensee ( 1982 ) the area marked A may be written as the triangular area to which it approximates : where unc is the price-marginal cost margin , unc is sales revenue at current prices and unc is a number somewhat in excess of one because marginal cost is falling .
2 With the offer price necessarily in excess of current market value a member 's best course may be to sell , depending on an estimation of what the company 's future performance under existing management is likely to be and the possibility of a higher offer .
3 This is a ‘ strong indication that some of those involved ( in the sample of 330 ) had received radiation greatly in excess of a safe dose , ’ according to a letter in The Lancet from a group of doctors who support the call for an independent inquiry into the atom bomb tests .
4 In any case , as we shall see in Chapter 8 , strengths very greatly in excess of I per cent of the Young 's modulus may not be of much interest in practical engineering .
5 Yet this ‘ floating value ’ might never have settled on their land , and obviously the aggregate of the values claimed by the individual owners is likely to be greatly in excess of a total valuation of all pieces of land .
6 The government was warned by scientists of the UK Photochemical Oxidants Group , responsible for the report on nitrogen oxides , that many urban , and some rural areas , have atmospheric concentrations of nitrogen dioxide greatly in excess of critical levels as set by the UN Economic Commission for Europe .
7 The cumulative value of transactions covered by a set of standard terms may be greatly in excess of the value of any individual conveyancing transaction and , although it may be possible to amend the terms for future transactions if problems emerge in use , once the terms have been incorporated into a particular contract , unlike a pleading , there is no chance to amend them for the purposes of that contract .
8 Hopwood , a case in which the House of Lords upheld the decision of the district auditor to surcharge members of Poplar Borough Council for maintaining a minimum wage for its employees which was not only in excess of wage rates in the area but was also paid to men and women alike .
9 Although the curvature and track geometry precludes speeds much in excess of 100mph ( except by upgrading at unacceptable costs ) the power : weight ratio , acceleration and braking of the HSTs immediately demonstrated their worth and have made it possible to introduce some very useful cuts in journey times .
10 However , 15-Mton iron objects with speeds much in excess of the median value of 15kms -1 will airburst before impact .
11 Given the Treasury 's computation that every 4% of devaluation is equivalent to 1% reduction in interest rates , it follows that monetary relaxation from Black Wednesday to date is already in excess of 4% .
12 Erm owing to the extent Chairman and I think erm we we have established er we were happy that the the level of development er rightly or wrongly as a as a commitment is already in excess of the hundred and two hectares being spoken about .
13 Even when meaningful financial rates of return were calculated , and proved to be low , but just in excess of the cost of borrowing , decisions were taken to implement projects as a result of pressure for action .
14 3.2.2 Disaggregation of cells In order to disaggregate embryos efficiently with minimal damage to the cells it is necessary to use a micropipette with a flame-polished end and an internal diameter just in excess of the diameter of the cells to be disaggregated .
15 Those contributions are normally in excess of those paid by employees .
16 More generally , the balance sheets of both UK banks and building societies appear reasonably healthy , both having capital ratios comfortably in excess of the Basle requirements .
17 As landlords ' solicitors become ever wary that they should leave nothing to chance , the number of individual tenant 's covenants appear to be increasing with heavyweight commercial leases quite often having comfortably in excess of 30 covenants and not far short of 50 .
18 Although the draft PPG Note recognises the cumulative impact of retail developments on town centres , the Direction proposed by the Secretary of State relates only to schemes which are individually in excess of 20,000 sq m .
19 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
20 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
21 I clinically affected animals up to two years old these are usually in excess of 3.0 i.u. tyrosine ( normal levels are 1.0 i.u. in non-parasitised calves ) .
22 Their productivity on both counts has been phenomenal : — the' Shrewsbury' grandchildren they mother total sixty-nine and they have also produced collectively in excess of one hundred and fifty publications — fiction and non-fiction , scientific and socio-political .
23 One noticeably in excess of the standards ( 30 BOD rather than the 20 of the Royal Commission , 40 solids rather than 30 ) is ‘ harmful ’ and requires ‘ improvement to be carried out ’ .
24 Even when compared with the 1983 landslide victory , the Conservative share of the vote increased in the South East ( including Greater London ) , East Anglia , West Midlands and East Midlands , and registered only a marginal decline in the South West ( albeit with a share of the vote still in excess of 50 per cent ) .
25 Growth rates slowed somewhat in the mid-1950s , yet were still in excess of seven per cent .
26 It has thus fared better than a small party could expect , maintaining a PS almost equal to its PV and even on occasion slightly in excess of it .
27 This would mean that the ‘ doves ’ had a wingspan slightly in excess of forty yards .
28 Over 100 stocks were listed with a total nominal value of just under £125 billion and a market value slightly in excess of this .
29 He will have every comfort and care , I assure you — probably in excess of that provided for any human infant ever . ’
30 The true exposure was probably in excess of £25m with interest over 10 years and with costs added in .
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