Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] virtue of " in BNC.

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1 What makes the situation especially difficult in the case of homosexuality is that there are those who arm their homophobia by ignoring the first dimension described above — an exile which generates critique — insisting only on the second — the exile who flees one kind of discrimination only to reproduce others , and who is seen to do so in virtue of the alleged ‘ predatory ’ nature of the homosexual desire , now quintessentially defined as a desire to exploit the disadvantaged .
2 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
3 Moore 's way of putting it might be defended on the basis of a realist view of universals for which individual horses are horses because they participate in a universal object horse , and do so in virtue of the fact that they have parts participating in universal objects which are parts of the universal object horse and related to each other in ways which participate in the universal relations linking part to whole in the universal object .
4 The theory is that these audible or visible things have meaning only in virtue of expressing and evoking mental things , ideas or thoughts .
5 Why should the first use of ‘ Here ’ bask in the reflected glory of the second , granted that the first serves to inform others of my whereabouts only in virtue of their being able to locate sounds ?
6 Stevenson himself thought that it was only in virtue of a descriptive meaning , which ethical sentences typically had as well as their emotive meaning , that they could function in this sort of context .
7 A referential symbol , it might be argued , refers only in virtue of what it means , i.e. it necessarily carries a descriptive content .
8 Eric of Mallion , which forms a connection between those early pathfinders and the dogs we know better by virtue of their being crowned as champions .
9 Rather , it is entirely by virtue of the sign in question that we distinguish a class of objects trees from other objects such as bushes , etc .
10 Few people are offended today , as they were in the last century , by the thought of man and the chimpanzee being classified together by virtue of a common ancestor which has been extinct for probably more than three million years !
11 At this stage , the translator need only be aware that there are different devices in different languages for creating ‘ texture ’ and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements .
12 Crime and tort relate closely as well , not only obviously by virtue of the same facts giving rise to different legal consequences but also , more interestingly , since the corning into effect of s. 35 of the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 1973 , by virtue of the criminal courts pre-empting the civil courts in the matter of compensation , perhaps even in circumstances where no private right of action otherwise obtains .
13 Energy has many forms — heat , electrical energy , mechanical energy , strain energy and so on — but it is not immediately clear that the surface of a solid has energy , merely by virtue of its existence as a surface .
14 On the one hand , a half-promise to save a new-born country , and to show that one lot of people may not dispossess another lot merely by virtue of being better armed ; on the other hand , a growing realisation that this could not be achieved without a fight in which an unknown number of young Europeans and Americans would be asked to die in the name of misty-sounding things like compassion and principle .
15 ( 4 ) For the purpose of determining whether a person occupying any land is in adverse possession of the land it shall not be assumed by implication of law that his occupation is by permission of the person entitled to the land merely by virtue of the fact that his occupation is not inconsistent with the latter 's present or future enjoyment of the land .
16 In effect the king was seeking to make wealth rather than feudal tenure the basis of military obligations , but he met much resistance , and for the final campaigns of his reign he relied upon appeals for voluntary paid service from all except those summoned personally by virtue of their tenure .
17 The IWC is not required to work for more humane killing methods , but it can do so by virtue of the fact that it can recommend particular catching methods that are better than others .
18 In a divorce case , a Dutchwoman was unable to prove actual service of process on her husband in Great Britain , so by virtue of Article 15(1) judgment could not be given in the matter ; the court , however , was prepared to give judgment in default under Article 15(2) , the Netherlands having made the necessary declaration , once the petitioner could satisfy it as to the items listed in that provision .
19 But he would do so by virtue of his position in the kinship network not because of his personal qualities .
20 Nevertheless , I have checked with my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds , North-East ( Mr. Kirkhope ) , who would have leapt to his feet to speak if he were not precluded from doing so by virtue of his office , and I have read the document to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
21 The superb school is superb only by virtue of its success in developing its ultimate customer : the pupil .
22 Replicators survive , not only by virtue of their own intrinsic properties , but by virtue of their consequences on the world .
23 A few even show pyrethroid resistance but only by virtue of their pre-existing resistance to DDT .
24 The reasonableness of this is manifest when viewed in the light of the fact that a great many of the most important human decisions do , after all , ultimately have to rely on mathematics for their resolution , if only by virtue of the principle of the majority vote being allowed to prevail in , for example , political matters .
25 What is beyond the boundaries of his own home ground is an outside world composed of impersonal structures and processes over which he has no control , of if he does have some control , it is only by virtue of some formal authority vested in an office that he occupies .
26 The conception of language that Saussure developed is that of a social phenomenon , realized not in the individual act of speaking , but ‘ only by virtue of a sort of contract signed by the members of a community ’ ( Saussure 1974 : 14 ) .
27 He accepts it only because of what he calls ‘ an insuperable logical difficulty ’ : position is not a quality , so a sensation can convey to us the position of a stimulus only by virtue of our ability to interpret something about it as meaning a certain position .
28 He also emphasises that there is no question of the drawings going on the market , and that the agreement to publish and exhibit was given only by virtue of the moral role Noel Alexandre exercises in the name of his father and of Modigliani .
29 And tell him , Yes , that the time when I thought that I had to say ‘ No ’ to him is now long past , since we all live only by virtue of the fact that a great and merciful God says his gracious Yes to all of us ' ( Eberhard Busch , Karl Barth , E.T .
30 The new permissive society differs from its Victorian predecessor not only by virtue of its sexual and moral freedom , but also because it is characterised by lack of agreement over questions of morality , and over the role of the state in the enforcement of morals .
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