Example sentences of "[pers pn] expects the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lois Lane , manageress of the Fenham Fund , has no views about the general level of futures prices for the commodities she is considering trading , but does have a view about relative price movements , in that she expects the price of kryptonite futures to rise relative to that of phlogiston futures .
2 Although the deal is not yet final , a spokesperson for the Palais told The Art Newspaper she expects the Kunsthalle to relocate to Bonsecours Market in the Old City where it will reopen next May , perhaps with a new name , and probably with a show about Alexander the Great and Macedonia .
3 The ward sister can explain what she expects the nurse to learn during the allocation , and can set objectives .
4 Likewise , she expects the children to operate intuitively in their make-believe , but she believes the intuition can be a refined instrument , accompanied by a high degree of awareness , at its best , bringing about reflection on what one experiences even as one experiences it .
5 Today she expects the delivery man will bring her customary greeting from the Queen .
6 Speaking at the company 's developers conference , Apple Computer Inc chairman John Sculley said he expects the company 's strong momentum to continue into the second half of the fiscal year , adding that among new products on the stocks are the speech recognition computer system code-named Caspar and the pen-based portable notebook .
7 Cruising at 150–185 mph , he expects the circumnavigation to take five and a half days .
8 If he expects the price of dollars — the exchange rate — in the spot market to be the same as the current forward price , then a rational agent would be indifferent between the transactions under certain conditions .
9 He expects the journey of three thousand miles to take up to a month .
10 He expects the jump from county to Test cricket to be another step up in terms of bowling and concentration .
11 The chief executive of State of Israel Bonds , Meyir Rosenne , says that he expects the issue to sell out in two weeks , something that would take him ten weeks in normal times .
12 He expects the demerger to be an accomplished fact by the beginning of next June .
13 McCaw Cellular Communications Inc chairman Craig McCaw says talks are continuing with AT&T Co on an expected June signing of the deal for AT&T to acquire 33% of McCaw : he expects the deal to be completed by year-end 1993 at the latest ; issues still under discussion include how to resolve the future of the Cellular One marketing brand name , which McCaw shares with Southwestern Bell Corp ; McCaw will use AT&T 's name and it will have access to the skills of Bell Laboratories .
14 He expects the effort to eliminate duplicated research and development efforts and allow resources to be transferred to the development of middleware technologies .
15 He expects the Bs rating to help maintain his increased market share in the international conference market : the hotel is next to the popular Harrogate Convention Centre .
16 Hoddle says he expects the Italians to be a highly skilled team , but says his own side will contain some talented players .
17 While he could provide no time scale for this , he did say that he expects the business to grow at 20% per annum .
18 While , theoretically , local authorities may spend their own incomes in ways they themselves choose , the government , in calculating local government grants , increasingly indicates how it expects the authorities to allocate funds between priorities .
19 With the graphics visualisation market apparently booming at present , PV says it expects the company to report an increase in profits this year of $19.3m , up $2.5m from the previous year 's $16.8m .
20 In this case it expects the Go option to be pressed .
21 Hewlett says that it expects the pact to generate around $100m of sales over three years .
22 Optimistically , the company says it expects the business to really take off once NeXTstep ships for Intel platforms later this year .
23 It expects the bulk of its business to be in workstations .
24 It expects the number of mainframe customers to decrease by 44% — they 'll be interested in value added software to their current mainframe solutions .
25 It expects the number of mainframe customers to decrease by 44% — they 'll be interested in value added software to their current mainframe solutions .
26 Because it expects the pound to strengthen in the months ahead , it has based its North Sea oil calculations on an exchange rate of $1.60 to the pound .
27 It expects the box , due in late 1993 , to do 1,000 MIPS .
28 It expects the 78% share of desktops currently running by MS-DOS to fall to 29% by 1997 , the Apple Macintosh to retain a 10% share over the period , Windows to rise from last year 's 7% to 28% , Unix to grow from 4% to 10% , OS/2 to rise from 1% to 8% and Windows NT to grow from nowhere to 14% over the five years .
29 It could be that a firm may only be able to say with any certainty that it expects the rate of return on an investment project to be within a particular range , say 10 to 15 per cent .
30 South Africa has said it expects the UN to reduce its 4,000-strong military presence once the poll is over and a Constituent Assembly has been elected to draft a new constitution .
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