Example sentences of "[pers pn] climbed up the " in BNC.

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1 In company with an English artist , I climbed up the steep hill-side for many successive weeks to paint the Needle Rock .
2 Then I climbed up the rope myself .
3 I had my camera with me and I saw there was a ladder up on the top deck and when I got up on the top deck it was quite a giddy height , not to be bit I looked at the mast then I climbed up the mast up three quarters of the way up the mast and er the view from up there looked right down on the causeway .
4 While I was there I climbed up the suspension cables to the top of the mainland tower and looked around .
5 they reckon I climbed up the outs the outside of a fucking multi-storey car park for two flights .
6 I climbed up the ladder .
7 Crossing the coast road , she climbed up the gradual grassy slope on the land ward side of the sea wall .
8 She climbed up the ladder , the rungs cold under her bare feet , pushed open the unbolted doors and stepped out into the cockpit .
9 Just for that you can start again , from the moment you climbed up the mooring rope . ’
10 As we climbed up the crags of Petra , black goats eyed us warily from black holes .
11 As we climbed up the canyon we made a great clatter with sticks and stones and old tin cans , announcing our presence to the denizens .
12 We climbed up the easy slope to the top of the island , and found we were overlooking a sort of wooded cliff on the other side .
13 Our conversation , previously animated , took on a dogged silence as we climbed up the final leg .
14 They would take a lazy bottom turn , stall as they climbed up the wave , then disappear behind the curtain for a second or two , reappearing like actors at the end of a play to take a bow .
15 He climbed up the door of the next car , using the handles and window frames as footholds .
16 He climbed up the wheat-rick and sat on the top , beating down the flames with the branch .
17 Turning up the collar of his Burberry against the chill morning air , he climbed up the slope to the rim of the hollow and stood looking down at the car .
18 He climbed up the outside staircase past the fountains surrounded by black-veiled women filling their pots with water and out on to the little parapeted promenade which crowned the second storey .
19 Well he climbed up the bloody first stair .
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