Example sentences of "[noun pl] to share the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Democrats had changed the rules for their 1992 contest by allowing candidates to share the delegates sent to the nominating convention by each state in proportion their support , subject only to their exceeding a 15 per cent threshold .
2 ‘ It is never easy , ’ said Cadfael sententiously , ‘ to serve two masters — even when there are two brothers to share the labour . ’
3 Community membership will be opened up to Finland , Sweden , Austria and Norway , bringing in richer nations to share the burden with Britain and Germany .
4 They fear collective losses could reach £2.4 billion , imposing further swingeing losses on many of the 20,000 individual investor ‘ Names ’ , who join syndicates to share the risks and profits of underwriting .
5 One proposal is a series of tax incentives that would encourage defence contractors to share the benefits of military R&D with firms connected with civilian technologies .
6 Things such as ‘ If I have been wrong , please forgive me ’ or attempts to share the blame with others are ineffective in restoring trust .
7 They should start regional cooperative programmes to share the costs of , for instance , satellite communications .
8 Economies of scale in product development may be achieved by companies who manage to work together , or find some cooperative ways to share the costs of developing new products .
9 When consultants ask general practitioners to share the care — that is , to prescribe specialist products — they accept an obligation to inform : shared care protocols should explain the rationale of treatment , cost , side effects , and the aspects of care for which the hospital consultant will remain responsible .
10 Britain is actively seeking partners to share the cost of a commercial demonstration nuclear reactor .
11 The current situation could be interpreted this way : the additional depreciation is building up capital but not so that the sewers can be replaced without the need to borrow ; rather , that the smaller future borrowing requirement will recompense future generations for the unwillingness of pre-1974 ratepayers to share the burden of the capital cost of sewers .
12 Note also from table 10.2 ( last figure in fifth row ) that it is not totally unheard of for couples to share the rearing of their children by both working part-time , but the number involved was minute — 9000 in the whole of England and Wales in 1981 .
13 Sapan , the boatman , had found two other tourists to share the fishtail boat and the cost .
14 An active involvement with literature enables pupils to share the experience of others .
15 So he did what he was going to do anyway , what would most engage his own attention , and invited the others to share the preoccupation — which was as much as any man could do , he thought .
16 Just then , Travers awakes , and to put an end to this to-ing and fro-ing invites his former companions to share the meat with him .
17 It has already made behind-the-scenes preparations to share the job of picking up the pieces .
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