Example sentences of "[noun pl] increases [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This versatility combined with the brighter images increases the range of specimen types that may be examined .
2 But putting up more candidates increases the danger that each of them will contend as an individual rather than as a member of a team : it makes the campaign harder to co-ordinate .
3 Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons .
4 Putting on successively larger weights increases the extension and the " modulus ' is measured from the graphical plot of load against extension , corrections being made for the cross-sectional area and for the original length .
5 For younger women , smoking and the use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of a heart attack , stroke or other cardiovascular disease by tenfold .
6 Smoking combined with the use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of a heart attack , stroke or other cardiovascular disease by tenfold .
7 As it is , I think every hour that passes increases the risk of your not seeing your daughter again whether you pay the ransom or not , and that by paying you may well be signing her death warrant .
8 It has been shown experimentally that binding of lactoferrin by anti-lactoferrin antibodies increases the amount and duration of hydroxyl radical formation by granulocytes .
9 The second is that the multiplicity of authorities increases the number of administrators and clerical workers , so imposing a heavy cost on an economy that can ill afford to use its resources in this way .
10 This change is functional for the stability of monopoly capitalism because the pseudo-democracy of direct voting by a mass electorate for leaders or policies increases the legitimacy of the political system , allows the mass of citizens to be co-opted into compliance , and poses no real risk of losing control over key state decisions to the masses .
11 Forrest and Cushley have reported that incorporation of cholesteryl esters increases the permeability of model membranes to ions 10 fold .
12 Death rates increase approximately in proportion to the duration of smoking : doubling the duration of smoking from 10 to 20 years increases the incidence of lung cancer 16 times if daily cigarette consumption remains constant [ 2 ] .
13 As the number of phases increases the reduction factor tends towards unity and the system inertia has less effect on the low-speed pull-out torque .
14 Hippo says support for these commands on PCs increases the ease of multi-platform integration and systems admin .
15 Overall it lowers life expectancy and among other things increases the risk of high blood pressure , diabetes , heart disease , gallstones and gout .
16 Smoking pipes or cigars increases the risk of oral cancers almost as much as cigarettes , particularly if intake is heavy .
17 Like all British direct taxation , as the absolute level of profits increases the tax loses its progressiveness and becomes a flat rate [ Caves and Krause , 1980 ] .
18 A diet high in saturated ( animal ) fats and low in polyunsaturates increases the risk of heart disease .
19 The long-term inhalation of such gases is harmful to health and , although no acceptable exposure level has been submitted , studies have shown that breathing in hydrocarbons increases the risk of lung cancer .
20 It can do this because the capacity of an input neuron to activate any of the output neurons increases every time the ‘ output pattern generator ’ activates the output neuron simultaneously with external activation of the input neuron .
21 Firstly , ablation of these neurones increases the susceptibility of the rat gastric mucosa to injurious factors such as hydrochloric acid , acetylsalicylic acid , and ethanol .
22 The epidemiological importance of arrested larval development from whatever cause is that , first , it ensures the survival of the nematode during periods of adversity ; secondly , the subsequent maturation of arrested larvae increases the contamination of the environment and can sometimes result in clinical disease .
23 Any combination of these factors increases the risk dramatically .
24 The third possibility is that the plaintiff may take up a position which is not in itself dangerous but where his failure to take precautions increases the risk of the extent of harm which he may suffer .
25 For one thing , increasing the number of cells increases the amount of space that will be taken up by axons and their terminals , and this will alter the appearance of the tissue , so that regions of the brain will not always look the same in different species .
26 The use of a spacing device for the higher salbutamol doses increases the amount delivered to the airways and might also underestimate dose equivalence since airway and systemic effects of β 2 agonists are mainly due to inhaled drug .
27 However , reducing the raster size from 100 to 25 mapunits increases the disc space required to store the raster files by a factor of 16 as well as increasing processing times .
28 The in situ DNA methylation reaction is allowed to proceed without shaking of the tray , for a length of time sufficient to statistically obtain one methylation event per DNA strand , which is inversely proportional to the size of the DNA probe ( the restricted translational and rotational freedom of the DNA molecules embedded in the gel pores increases the stringency of the latter consideration ) .
29 A purchase or redemption by a company of its own shares increases the percentage which a remaining block of shares represents and can result in a shareholder or group of shareholders obtaining control of that company .
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