Example sentences of "[noun pl] to account for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To compensate for the absence of transitions Jelinek used backing off formulae to account for missing transitions .
2 Gas between the galaxies contains too few baryons to account for all the apparent mass but too many to be consistent with the simplest Big Bang models .
3 The ingenious minds that take their delight in inventing causal hypotheses to account for these present seeming relations , through reference to supposed conditions of the past , will work more easily , and perhaps with more truthful results , if supplied with properly arranged data truly illustrating the present .
4 Despite the ability of Sag & Hankamer 's ideas to account for considered judgements , several lines of evidence suggest that they do not provide any simple basis for a theory of comprehension .
5 This view avoids the necessity of explaining how an increase in complexity can occur by denying that it happens , but only at the expense of supposing not only that there is a minute homunculus in the egg but that within that homonculus there is an egg containing a still more minute homonculus , and so on , in Chinese box fashion , ad infinitum — or , if not ad infinitum , at least back to Eve , who carried within her a sufficient number of successively smaller homunculi to account for all the future generations of mankind .
6 Its definitions of femininity as at the same time an artefact and an essence are blatantly incompatible , and its attempts to account for all aspects of subjectivity in terms of fixed gender categories , inadequate .
7 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
8 One of the earlier attempts to account for this residual precession was by the astronomer Le Verrier , to whom I shall introduce you more properly in Chapter 13 .
9 There are a number of reasons to account for this conclusion .
10 Previous studies ( see the review in Green et al. , 1986 ) have put forward a wide range of factors to account for this relatively low level of labour mobility , particularly amongst the lower paid .
11 There appear to be two possible mechanisms to account for this .
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