Example sentences of "[vb pp] for a five-year " in BNC.

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1 In order to ensure a more appropriate distribution across the states of production , prices and a rational pattern of modernisation , the treaty schedule called for a five-year transitional period of two distinct stages .
2 Among new measures ( i ) a new " tax exempt special savings account " would be introduced from January 1991 ; and ( ii ) the rate of pool betting duty would be reduced for a five-year period to release funds to be devoted to the improvement of safety and conditions at football grounds [ for April 1989 Hillsborough stadium disaster see p. 36597 ] .
3 He was due to be inaugurated for a five-year term on Feb. 7 , 1991 , the fifth anniversary of the overthrow of the Duvalier regime .
4 Fiji 's executive President was to be appointed for a five-year term by the Great Council of Chiefs , which would also nominate 24 Melanesians to the 34-member Senate .
5 The Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid , 68 , was appointed for a five-year term as Secretary-General of the Arab League on May 14 .
6 The unicameral legislature , the National Assembly , is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
7 This was expected to provide for a President and National Assembly , to be elected for a five-year term under a multiparty system , with the President eligible for re-election once only .
8 The draft proposed that the chief executive ( a position comparable with that of the current Governor ) be elected for a five-year term by an 800-member " broadly represented " election committee .
9 Under the Constitution of December 1983 executive power is held by the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term , while legislative power is vested in the unicameral Legislative Assembly ( which replaced the National Constituent Assembly in March 1985 ) with 60 members similarly elected for a three-year term .
10 Executive power is held by the President , also directly elected for a five-year term , assisted by two elected Vice-Presidents and an appointed Cabinet .
11 Executive power is held by a President , who is popularly elected for a five-year term , and who governs with the assistance of an appointed State Council led by a Prime Minister .
12 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of the upper and lower Houses of Parliament ( the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha respectively ) and of the Legislative Assemblies of the States .
13 Most of the 244 members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the state assemblies ( one-third being replaced every two years ) while all but two of the 544-members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
14 The Republic of Maldives ( called the Maldive Islands until 1969 ) has an executive President elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage , a Cabinet appointed and presided over by the President and a 48-member Citizens ' Assembly ( Majilis ) , 40 of whose members are elected for five years and the remaining eight appointed by the President .
15 The new Constitution restores the name Republic of Afghanistan , and provides for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
16 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage ; Moi was returned for a third five-year term in February 1988 [ see p. 36137 ] without recourse to the electorate , having been proposed as sole candidate by KANU .
17 The People 's Assembly , the unicameral legislative body , is elected for a five-year term by direct popular vote .
18 Executive power is vested in the President , who is elected for a five-year term by direct suffrage , and who appoints the Council of Ministers , as well as members of the judiciary and the holders of certain public offices .
19 The Congress , which partly superseded the former USSR Supreme Soviet , is elected for a five-year term and convenes once or twice a year to decide on major constitutional , political and socio-economic questions .
20 The President is elected for a five-year term by popular vote .
21 The 40-member National People 's Assembly , " the supreme organ of the state " , is elected for a five-year term and meets twice a year .
22 Under the 1980 Constitution executive power is vested in the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term .
23 Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral National Congress , comprising the Chamber of Deputies ( consisting of 180 members elected for a five-year term ) and the Senate ( consisting of 60 members elected for a five-year term along with the former Presidents of constitutional governments who have the status of life senators ) .
24 Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral National Congress , comprising the Chamber of Deputies ( consisting of 180 members elected for a five-year term ) and the Senate ( consisting of 60 members elected for a five-year term along with the former Presidents of constitutional governments who have the status of life senators ) .
25 Under a new Constitution approved in a national referendum on Sept. 30 , 1987 [ see p. 35758 ] , ultimate authority now rests in theory with a 51-member National Assembly , elected for a five-year term ; executive authority rests with the President , elected by the National Assembly ( currently Ramsewak Shankar who , elected on Jan. 12 , 1988 , took office on Jan. 25 — see p. 35759 ) , as head of state , head of government , head of the armed forces , and Chair of the Council of State ( the successor of the Supreme Council ) and of the Security Council ( which was to assume all government functions in the event of " war , state of siege or exceptional circumstances to be determined by law " ) .
26 Under the 1966 Constitution the republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 99-member Chamber of Deputies and a 30-member Senate , the President and the Congress being directly elected for a five-year term .
27 A 65-member House of Representatives is elected for a five-year term ( subject to dissolution ) by direct universal adult suffrage under a system of proportional representation .
28 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Legislative Council ( CNL ) , elected for a five-year term ( most recently in September 1987 — see p. 35748 ) by compulsory , direct and universal adult suffrage , all candidates being proposed by the MPR .
29 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage , who is assisted by a Council of Ministers .
30 The President is elected for a five-year term by a 1,000-member People 's Consultative Assembly ( Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat ) , described in the Constitution as the embodiment of the whole Indonesian people .
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