Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] forthcoming " in BNC.

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1 My question to Mr which he might like to comment on in his his summing up , is we 've heard about the forthcoming meeting which you 're going to arrange with the district council 's , how soon would you be able to make progress ?
2 Lukanov presented to the National Assembly on March 29 , 1990 , a package of crisis management measures and first steps towards a market economy , to last until a new government formed after the forthcoming multiparty elections could produce a long term economic strategy .
3 More information about these qualifications will be included in a forthcoming issue of Update , to be published in February .
4 Waldegrave said that the need to promote the public understanding of science would be addressed in the forthcoming White Paper ( policy document ) on science and technology and that he planned to launch a campaign to ‘ evangelize ’ science .
5 While the position was clouded by the forthcoming abolition of the area health authorities , regional officers seemed to be forming a view that some areas , left to themselves , would not react in an appropriate way to the circumstances of rundown .
6 Apart from the unique painting , the winner will visit Keith 's studio to talk through the commission and the creation of the painting will be featured in a forthcoming FlyPast .
7 I shall be selecting a number of works for discussion in a later issue , but meanwhile should you have any queries or need advice concerning any of the points raised in the series please write in and they too will be answered in a forthcoming edition .
8 The closing declaration included joint commitments ( i ) to create an Andean Presidential Council whose task would be to further promote the political and economic integration of member countries ; ( ii ) to formulate a common position on future foreign debt negotiations to be presented to the forthcoming Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) ministerial meeting [ see p. 37018 for June 1989 meeting ] ; and ( iii ) to propose a permanent consultative system to press for the full implementation of the February 1990 Cartagena summit 's agreements and measures against illegal drug production and trafficking [ see pp. 37243-44 ] .
9 WHITNEY HOUSTON : ‘ I Will Always Love You ’ soul power-ballad composed by Dolly Parton and one of six Whitney tracks featured on the forthcoming soundtrack to the US movie The Bodyguard , in which she stars alongside Kevin Costner
10 She checked with all the contributing editors to ensure that the copy still needed for the forthcoming issue of Athene was in hand .
11 When told of the forthcoming marriage between Lydia and Tobias , Jonadab expressed his amazement .
12 The brochure will be used in a forthcoming drive to fill 40 vacancies across a number of government departments , and as a recruitment aid on planned ‘ milk round ’ sessions at universities and polytechnics .
13 The Queen also gave permission for the house to be shown at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition .
14 SunSoft 's Unix-on-Intel play , Solaris 2.0 , will be shown at the forthcoming PC Expo in New York — along with its emulation stuff , see page five — and is still scheduled to become available 90 days after the Sparc version ships .
15 Several new interesting development projects are scheduled for the forthcoming year notably sixty-nine 1 , 2 and 3 bedroomed houses and flats by Salthorp at Milton Heights near Abingdon , Forty-four 1–4 bedroomed units by Ideal Homes at Crowmarsh , Gifford and several further phases of larger sites currently under construction .
16 Beatty had a good five-year head-start on him , and most of the other male leads with whom they would both be compared in the forthcoming age of the anti-hero .
17 A next generation IDS server will offer fault tolerance , a claimed 35,000 MIPS performance and will be based upon the forthcoming Inmos T9000 part .
18 IBM Corp machines based on the forthcoming high-end Rios 2 multichip set could be on the market by the middle of this year , according to IBM sources .
19 The summit called on the forthcoming Paris summit of member states of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) , proposed for Nov. 19 , 1990 , to establish a common position on future security arrangements , economic co-operation and democratic consolidation in Europe .
20 Touche Ross & Co have expressed their willingness to continue in office and a resolution to reappoint them will be prosposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting .
21 [ A roundup of local and republican election results from throughout the Soviet Union , including the dramatic victory in Lithuania on Feb. 24 for candidates of the pro-independence Sajudis movement , will be given in a forthcoming article . ]
22 Actor Robert Stephens has withdrawn from the forthcoming RSC Newcastle season through ill-health .
23 In the public sector , sources of money will often be precise and known for the forthcoming year .
24 Hopes are therefore being pinned upon the forthcoming production of a new monastic hymnal under the auspices of the Panel of Monastic Musicians .
25 However , they remained undecided as to the precise role for the EC and agreed that a decision would be deferred pending the forthcoming visit to South Africa by the Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom , the Netherlands and Portugal .
26 Messrs Fiddle and Perks have indicated their willingness to continue in office as auditors and a resolution to re-appoint them will be proposed at the forthcoming annual general meeting .
27 Resolutions for the re-appointment of KPMG Peat Marwick as auditors to the Company and authorising the Directors to determine their remuneration will be proposed at the forthcoming AGM
28 Indeed , the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring .
29 Although the Sardar Sarovar dam is only partly complete , the rise in water level caused by the forthcoming monsoon rains is expected to drown at least four villages .
30 It is probable that both will be discussed in the forthcoming conference on environment and development to be held in 1992 in Brazil .
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