Example sentences of "[vb past] risen [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Had it not been for the activities of Lady Laetitia 's lover , bold Sir Rupert Cartland ( played by an odious young actor who 'd risen to prominence by playing a tough naval lieutenant in a television series ) making with the garlic and the wooden stakes ( a bit of vampire lore crept into the script ) , Lady Laetitia and her father would have been turned into zombies and carried back to the subterranean cave , where they would never be heard of again .
2 The Al Fayeds had risen without trace — yet Kleinwort Benson still insisted that there was ’ no hidden hand behind them ’ .
3 The apex of the arches was only some five feet six inches above floor level , indicating that either the floor had risen during repairs or men had become taller over the centuries .
4 They kept ringing up their former colleagues , making out they were selling the new Royal Life Unit Trust , that they had risen above OTC dodginess .
5 Mary Deare was still there after the curtain had risen on Act Four , and frantic because she 'd run out of matches .
6 Hopes had risen on Thursday that China would abandon its block on talks on the proposals and accept Hong Kong government representatives and influence in any negotiating team with Beijing .
7 She had risen at dawn each day , when the sky was still apricot-coloured and swum naked and alone as the sun rose .
8 He had not observed that , from the gale it had been , it had risen through level after level of violence to a power that no man living on Orkney had ever experienced or was to experience again .
9 In August 1920 , the cost of a house which stood at £250 in 1914 , had risen to £930 on average .
10 During the first six months of the competition , more than £21 million of ‘ new ’ money was attracted to the Bank , and by mid-way through May this figure had risen to £22½ million .
11 A month later he closed out his long position when the futures price had risen to £66 300 .
12 Alan Travers had risen to prominence in his wife 's organisation and was now one of the Family Party 's two members of parliament .
13 A People 's Daily editorial of Jan. 16 , 1990 , entitled Leadership must be in the hands of loyal Marxists , called for the dismissal of party leaders " who do not have a firm political stand or staunch political qualities " , while Qiao Shi ( a member of the politburo standing committee who had risen to prominence in the immediate aftermath of the Tiananmen massacre — see p. 36721 ) called for " particular efforts " to be made in strengthening party centralism and unity , and urged increased supervision over the implementation of central committee decisions at all levels .
14 Gen. Dharsono , a former Secretary-General of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , was an associate , but not a signatory , of the " Petition of 50 " movement of dissidents which had risen to prominence in 1984 with the publication of a " Save Democracy " pamphlet [ see pp. 33286-87 ] .
15 The ULFA , a Maoist group which had risen to prominence in 1990 , controlled large tracts of upper Assam and had carried out a series of assassinations , kidnappings and bomb attacks .
16 In January it had been announced that the country 's global trade surplus for 1991 had risen to $78,230 million , a 50 per cent increase on the $52,150 million recorded in 1990 .
17 In 1971 , about 10% of marriages involved the first marriage of one party to a divorced partner and 4% involved the remarriage of two divorcees ; by 1989 , these proportions had risen to 19% and 13% respectively .
18 By July 1971 the estimated costs had risen to £47,000 and the Building Fund stood at £12,000 .
19 Interestingly , though the budget had risen to $18 million ( from around $9–10 million for Alien , seven inflationary years earlier ) , rentals were up hardly more than 8 per cent , from $40.3 million to $43.7 million ; the more conventional , apparently more ‘ popular ’ film actually drew fewer people to the cinema , at least in North America .
20 By 1951 this had risen to 30% and by 1987 it stood at 60% .
21 By 1987 the street value of cocaine seized by Customs in the United Kingdom reached £54,000,000 while the figures for heroin seizures had risen to £17,000,000 .
22 This had risen to 63% of the sample at the age of one year .
23 By March this year output had risen to 82% of this level .
24 The subscription to the County Hospital had risen to £52.10s.0d. per annum and this was continued , as was a similar amount for the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital .
25 There was just one way he , as a man who had risen to eminence in his profession , had learned to do things .
26 By July 1954 this had risen to £18025 .
27 By the end of 1983 , as the worldwide royalties from Culture Club and others poured in , the turnover had risen to £94m and profits to £11.4m .
28 the value of mortgage interest tax relief had risen to £4.500 million by 1986/7 , more than twice its real level of eight years before , despite the cut in the basic rate of tax .
29 From AD 235 to 285 the Empire was ruled by a succession of men , mostly of undistinguished provincial background , who had risen to power through the control of armies .
30 Annual contracts continued to be issued until 1955 , by which time they had risen to £4.2s .
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