Example sentences of "[coord] caring for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — Vivienne van Someren does not state in her editorial ( 5 December ) the Department of Health criteria for part time senior registrar training , but Sunita Shrotria says that to work part time ‘ one must be looking after small children , or caring for a disabled relative . ’
2 A problem shared is usually a problem halved , whether it is learning how to cope with rheumatism , wanting to lose some weight or caring for an elderly relative .
3 Most species will form groups at some stage of their life , for feeding , defence , or caring for the young , for example .
4 If you would like to join the committee and influence policy , pass on a good idea , attend the community lunch held for those working in the area , get involved in producing the regular Headington Area Newsletter , join an informal discussion group or borrow material on Health , Parenting or Caring for the Elderly , make a special request or offer your services as a tutor or Youth Club volunteer , we would love to hear from you .
5 After dinner , back on the boat , he sat and talked about the soil as the common link between people of all nations , and spoke almost lovingly of husbandry and caring for the soil almost as if it were a human being .
6 All this currying and caring for the body , for its clothing and for the marriage room went on day after day until the wedding night finally arrived .
7 The entire burden of hatching , feeding and caring for the young cuckoo falls on the hapless foster parents .
8 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
9 Even in cases where the husband and wife contribute equally to the family budget , there is no guarantee that both will contribute equally to the day-to-day running of the home and caring for the children .
10 When we have left behind the turbulence of adolescence and shed some of the more harrowing demands of responsibility for making careers and caring for the next generation , we may seek opportunities to assess our lives and face its later stages with some serenity .
11 The possibility of a child being born with a handicap is not only an emotional worry but caring for the child in the future will be expensive .
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