Example sentences of "[coord] threatened [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 On Wednesday , the Bogota newspaper El Espectador temporarily closed its Medellin office after cartel agents killed two of the newspaper 's employees there and threatened to murder the bureau 's remaining staff of 11 .
2 I held them off with steelies and stones , and they fired back with air-guns , and for a while it was quite exciting , but then Mrs Clamp came with the weekly messages and threatened to call the police , and after calling her a few nasty names they left .
3 She 's just picked up the children from a rendezvous with their father who had an afternoon 's access , and he 'd shouted at her and them in the street and threatened to take the children away .
4 Nevertheless , the king had to send his justices to the clergy 's deliberations and threatened to take the names of opposers , and it took all Winchelsey 's good will and best arts to elicit from them a grant of one tenth for the current year and another , should it be necessary , in the following year .
5 The TUC was last night seeking legal advice and threatened to take the Government to court for alleged breach of European law , claiming that scrapping the councils discriminated against women .
6 Mr Ouk spoke with The Art Newspaper about the cultural catastrophe he and his country has endured : ‘ The Khmer Rouge does n't know what art is ’ , he said , referring to the murderous regime whose Maoist ‘ agrarian revolution ’ left more than a million Cambodians dead , and threatened to eradicate the nation 's very identity .
7 Several of the Covenanters , including some of the officers , told Morton that the order of the day had been ‘ No quarter — No prisoners ’ and threatened to kill the prisoner but the powerful blacksmith declared that having spared the man 's life he would defend it with his own .
8 BARMAID Saskia Hobson shot and wounded two of three armed raiders who broke into her pub and threatened to kill the landlord .
9 Their presence provoked the first violent incidents , when on Oct. 31 some 3,000 People 's Front volunteers seized two checkpoints on the USSR-Romania border and threatened to kill the border guards and their families if the troops were not withdrawn .
10 However , the opposition , which controlled the Senate , warned that the result did not give Aylwin a mandate to " steamroller the country into political reforms " and threatened to resist the government 's package of proposed reforms of the 1980 Constitution ( in force since 1981 ) presented in March with the primary purpose of further distancing the government from the previous military regime [ see p. 38810 ] .
11 They had a generally depressive effect on domestic rice prices , and threatened to undermine the prosperity of the majority of domestic farmers for whom rice was still a staple crop .
12 He then got up off the floor and threatened to hit the labour master with his boots in his hand .
13 She said that after he raped her , he forced part of his hand into her , causing pain , and threatened to use the truncheon .
14 And now , at last , there was a sound ; a high-pitched whine like a dentist 's drill , building to a relentless , throbbing , sickening shriek that rocked the walls and threatened to destroy the gigantic machine with its fearsome vibrations .
15 The violence reached a peak in August and September and threatened to disrupt the ANC-government talks , with ANC leaders questioning the government 's willingness to act against the perpetrators of the violence and alleging that members of the security forces were involved .
16 The offender held his pistol to the head of a customer who was being served and demanded that the assistants filled two bags with cash ; when one of them hesitated he pulled back the breech of the gun and threatened to shoot the customer .
17 Nationwide rioting in 1918 over the price of rice started in rural areas and threatened to reduce the country to chaos .
18 This state of affairs , he said , jeopardized perestroika , unnerved the population , and threatened to make the country ungovernable .
19 In particular the ANC demanded that the government investigate police behaviour during the Transvaal township violence of August/September , and threatened to resume the armed struggle , suspended only in August .
20 Actually she was a former girlfriend , and he had n't exactly visited her , because upon arriving he discovered she was living with an Algerian rug merchant — she had somehow neglected to mention this in her postcards — who had pulled out a scimitar and threatened to send the Swede home with his goolies in a sandwich bag if he did n't clear off instantly .
21 This he promptly brought into action in defence of his small brother , ran the farmer against a wall and threatened to run the fork through the aggressor .
22 However , the soldiers in Coventry were very reluctant to let him go and threatened to bar the gates to prevent him leaving .
23 Once or twice as a hand grabbed and missed it lurched and threatened to tilt the corpse on to the crowd .
24 There was a moment when Eisenhower 's eagerness to resume contact with Eden alarmed his colleagues and threatened to realign the United States prematurely with the British .
25 ‘ The Master took them quietly from his person and told him such things were not allowed to be introduced into the workhouse , he then placed himself in a fighting attitude and threatened to knock the Master 's teeth down his throat , thereby setting bad examples to others ’
26 Within the convent he faced a group of unruly , ill-disciplined monks ; his tenants at Sandwich were ousted from their houses , and at one point the citizens of Canterbury rose in revolt and threatened to blockade the monks .
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