Example sentences of "[coord] fail [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a complex if naive set of attitudes , including the beliefs that human beings have free will , that they must be strictly disciplined by restrictive rules , and that they should be harshly punished if they break the rules or fail to respect authority .
2 Within religions of Indian origin , such as Hinduism , Buddhism and Sikhism , certain views of reality being as it is are taken for granted , such as dharma — the existence of a moral law , and karma — the impact of this on individuals according to how much they fulfil or fail to fulfil dharma , and samsara — the process of reincarnation .
3 The Christian 's concern for the reform of the criminal should never make him either deny the offence or fail to protect society against the offender .
4 Centre devised Programme Regulations should set out clearly policy on reassessment of students who fail or fail to complete assignments .
5 Centre devised Programme Regulations should set out clearly the centre 's policy on reassessment of students who fail or fail to complete assignments .
6 Allow your filter media to become clogged or fail to pay attention to the use of correct media inside the filter and the worst case scenario of toxic water and dead fish can be the end result !
7 Too many people spend too much time looking for a reason , and fail to take advantage of the simple pleasures that life offers . ’
8 The proposals remove the benefits which a large strategic authority brings to the people of Lothian and fail to take account of local loyalties .
9 The proposals remove the benefits which a large strategic authority brings to the people of Lothian and fail to take account of local loyalties .
10 If , on the other hand , a child with a roughly similar basic disability is a cause for acute anxiety to the parents , who either make excessive demands or over-protect , and fail to make use of the available care and educational facilities , rapidly rejecting the child altogether as unrewarding and unmanageable , such a child might find low intelligence a severe handicap .
11 It is not that policemen and women fail to achieve emotional detachment , even though one policeman once remarked that at postmortems he was appalled by the way pathologists treat the body simply as a lump of meat and fail to show respect ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 15 ) .
12 Technological Convergence is also a nice idea , but it may lead strong companies into major new markets where they lack experience and fail to achieve success .
13 A sudden fear seized him : that the door would be locked , and he 'd beat his weakness against it , and fail to gain access .
14 Second , proposals which only address ( and seek to reform ) the structural changes that have afflicted the media , e.g. conglomeration , but fail to note changes in the processes of news-production and journalistic work , are incomplete solutions .
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