Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] ninth " in BNC.

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1 A hunting song of the 18th century titled " The Lulling-stone Hunt " tells of the hunt chasing a fox through Halling and in the ninth verse we read ;
2 Novas turned around 27–26 in front , but met a more solid defence and by the ninth minute had scored only five to Arena 's 15 .
3 Religious communities at St-Martin , Tours , or St-Denis near Paris , had grown up at the tombs of martyrs in cemetery sites outside Roman civitates , and by the ninth century housed over a hundred clergy or monks apiece .
4 The papacy used similar techniques and by the ninth century , perhaps even before , pictorial schemes were found in the papal palace and in the basilica at the Lateran .
5 It is there in the Ninth but in the Ninth there is great beauty and a sense of harmony with death .
6 But in the ninth century , it was only writers in Charles 's kingdom who labelled Louis thus : in his own kingdom Louis was known as " king of the eastern Franks " .
7 But in the ninth century too , Vikings belonged in the mainstream of economic activity within the Frankish world .
8 It is not the intention of this book to examine towns , but from the ninth century onwards , trade and commerce and the associated industrial and craft activities increasingly took place in or were controlled by towns .
9 But by the ninth century this had degenerated into gross confusion , under cover of which the worship of Baal-Melqart , the official god of Tyre , had crept in and was widely corrupting faith in God .
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