Example sentences of "[noun prp] switched [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Scott switched on the radio , heard pop music , twiddled the frequency dial past classical and reggae and finally found a discussion programme .
2 Rex switched off the suction pump , hung up the miner 's helmet , divested himself of the fisherman 's waders and laid his snorkel aside .
3 Eloise switched on the lights .
4 Cornelius switched on the windscreen wipers .
5 Cornelius switched on the heater .
6 Lissa switched on the light , and Rebecca swung round sharply to face her , shock startling a gasp on her lips , the torch falling with a muffled thud .
7 Rachaela switched on the radio .
8 At ten thirty-five , Rachaela switched on the main light and walked behind the screen into Ruth 's area .
9 Karen switched off the hair drier .
10 Roirbak switched off the film and knelt beside Ari again .
11 Josie switched on the lights for the department 's makeup mirror , and Lucy winced as the brightness hit her .
12 Stephen switched off the set .
13 Philip switched off the torch .
14 Anna switched off the radio .
15 Shelley switched off the lights , and locked the medical room .
16 Harry switched off the engine and sat staring at the big , grey , stone-built mansion with a sense of shock .
17 Klein switched on the light .
18 Lee switched on the light and the bulb went , like the one in the kitchen yesterday .
19 Lee switched on the torch and the beam lit up the stack-yard like a searchlight .
20 Fran switched off the tape-recorder then glanced across the crowded foyer , immediately pin-pointing Luke in a group clustered around the door to the Council Chamber .
21 With the last of her dresses hanging in the wardrobe , undies neatly folded in the drawer , Lindsey switched on the radio and bedside lamp .
22 Having seen the reassured mother smilingly on her way , Lindsey switched off the computer and set about clearing her desk .
23 On a bubble of elation , full of dreams for the future , Lisa switched off the gas fire and headed for bed .
24 They were met at the front door by a delirious spaniel , who clearly had no idea of funeral decorum , and they proceeded into the front room , where Bill Clough switched on a bulging orangey imitation-coal electric fire , and then went to a horrible drinks cabinet — all plastic and flashing lights .
25 Tod switched off the light .
26 Ward switched on the headlights , glancing at me quickly , a tight little smile .
27 Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen as some mindless cops and robbers show unfolded .
28 Her moment of complete despair had come when Doyle switched on the radio and sat down to wait and see what happened .
29 Jessica switched off the drier and lifted the receiver beside her bed , expecting Parr .
30 Geraldine switched on the television .
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