Example sentences of "[prep] which time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I used a hot towel and left the product on for ten minutes after which time my hair felt very soft .
2 ‘ Surely I already know what the contents of our contract are — namely , that I am to work for you for a period of eighteen months , after which time you will release me with my debt to you cancelled ? ’
3 We are now 7 degrees within the tropics and if the trade winds in which we got off Madeira continue we may expect to cross the equator in a week or ten days , about which time our Captn. informs us that we may expect to fall in with some homeward bound vessels which will enable me as well as the rest of our passengers to forward letters to our friends … bad weather had the effect of making us all good sailors and now we are enjoying fine weather and a fair wind .
4 She spent about seven weeks during which time her mother spent a weekend with us too .
5 She lived for only seven weeks during which time her two sisters , Clare , five , and Victoria , three , bought her a small teddy bear .
6 Between 1973 and 1981 he was general manager at the Golf View Hotel in Nairn , during which time its turnover increased by 800% .
7 The compensation claim covered a period between 1919 and 1967 when Nauru was under Australian administration , during which time its phosphates were extracted and sold at below market prices .
8 Edward , his half-brother , succeeded , aged about 38 years , and he remained as King for twenty-four years , during which time his endeavours towards sainthood earned him the title of The Confessor .
9 Mozart 's final illness lasted 15 days , during which time his body swelled , he vomited intermittently and he suffered from high fever .
10 He then worked for many years as a country doctor , during which time his son Robert nearly died from smallpox inoculation performed by a ‘ surgeon of his acquaintance ’ .
11 You then have 15 seconds ' rest , during which time you must stand still .
12 All filters will require a short ‘ run-in ’ period of up to three or four weeks during which time you should keep stock and feed levels low and conduct extra partial water changes .
13 Alternatively , if you require a little time , a booking can be held on ‘ Option ’ for 24 hours during which time you must make the booking ‘ firm ’ otherwise the booking will automatically be released .
14 You re normally expected to vacate halls of residence during vacations , during which time you are not responsible for rent — unlike much of the private housing available .
15 My son spent a year at Liphook Junior School , during which time my husband and I made frequent visits to discuss our concerns regarding this apparent lack of progress .
16 It took about a day and a half for each of them , during which time my nerve-ends were pinging like a Du-gnorian soniharp .
17 If you are heavily laden with treasure you might only manage a couple of swings of the sword before you have to rest , during which time your opponent can batter away at you ! )
18 ‘ We crossed the equator on the 7th of July , having been more than twenty days within the tropics , part of which time our vessel lay becalmed .
19 The probe started after the Revenue discovered that two Welsh farmers had not declared their income for 11 years in which time their actual earning amounted to £90,000 and £250,000 .
20 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
21 The church was deconsecrated in the early nineteenth-century and converted into a warehouse , at which time its art treasures were moved out to the Brera where they still remain , despite the church having been reconsecrated in the twentieth-century .
22 The Workers ' Party conference had also confirmed the continued existence of the Official Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) , which ceased its campaign in Northern Ireland in 1972 , at which time its political wing , Official Sinn Féin , changed its name to the Workers ' Party .
23 After 9 months of continued treatment he was referred to our institution , at which time his CD4 cell count was 740/L , his CMV serology ( IgG+IgM ) was positive ( titre 256 ) , and his HIV seropositivity was confirmed .
24 When sailing downwind in light to medium winds , it is important to remember to sail the boat higher until the optimum boat speed is reached , at which time you can begin to work the boat down .
25 You are advised not to give notice in your present post until a medical clearance has been received , at which time your date of commencement will be confirmed .
26 Indeed , despite their arguments that bile had little role in the pathogenesis of oesophagitis the data of Gotley et al show that 75% of patients with gastrooesophageal reflux disease do have bile in their reflux aspirates at concentrations >30 µmol/l and that higher concentrations of bile were more common at night , at which time our gastric pH profiles show greatest alkalinity .
27 Tivoli has around 100 customers worldwide and is looking for an OEM deal in the Far East around the end of the year by which time its internationalisation efforts should be complete .
28 Its own stamens , however , do not produce their pollen until later by which time its eggs will have been cross-fertilised by exploring insects .
29 Her husband , also a compositor , died six years later leaving her with three young children , and she was obliged to go back to work ( at Macdonalds in London Road , not in her previous job at Morrison & Gibb ) until she was over 50 , by which time her children were all supporting themselves .
30 But she did n't get a visit for 24 hours after coming home — by which time her problems had worsened .
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