Example sentences of "[prep] the financial times " in BNC.

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1 Simon Jenkins is Editor of The Times , Colin Amery Architectural Critic for the Financial Times .
2 Lowe had worked as a researcher for the Financial Times , Hayling had done his stint with the BBC , and of course they had dabbled in the Big Flame paper and other fringe publications .
3 Vaizey began writing art criticism for the Financial Times in 1970 and was delighted with the rate of 5 guineas an article ; in 1974 she signed a contract with the Sunday Times to produce forty-six articles a year for £4,500 and in 1980 became a staff member with pay pegged to NUJ rates .
4 William Keeling , a freelance journalist working for the Financial Times , was declared persona non grata by the government on July 1 .
5 I set out in May 1985 to write a feature for the Financial Times about this man apparently rich enough with his two brothers to pay £615m in cash for the House of Fraser .
6 Of course it was a very , very difficult year for the Financial Times .
7 The continued reliance throughout on independent directors as the cornerstone of good corporate governance , as the Financial Times notes , is an indication of institutional investors ' reluctance to play a fuller role in the direction of the companies they have shares in .
8 As the Financial Times headline said on 6 March , ‘ Bank imposes penal interest to hold line on base lending rate . ’
9 Bracken House , the former home of the Financial Times , became the first candidate and English Heritage then submitted some 70 recommendations to the Department of the Environment ; these included Bankside .
10 Frank Barlow , chief executive of the Financial Times , was appointed Pearson 's new managing director .
11 In its business coverage , it lacks the muck-raking skills of the Wall Street Journal and the international thoroughness of the Financial Times .
12 LABOUR received the unexpected endorsement of the Financial Times today in an editorial which criticised the Conservatives for having ‘ run out of steam ’ after 13 years in power .
13 Oddly enough , I would have thought it was the decision of the Financial Times to support Labour which swung many people behind the Conservatives at the last moment .
14 THE ultimate indignity has befallen Richard Lambert , editor of the Financial Times , following its backing of Labour last week .
15 On a low table in front of her were some engineering trade magazines and a copy of the Financial Times .
16 BRACKEN HOUSE , THE former home of the Financial Times , came under threat at the time ministers were considering the introduction of the Thirty Year Rule on listing ( see page 149 ) , and probably played a major part in securing the greater protection for post-war buildings of excellence that SAVE had sought for so long .
17 They have also attracted their own market in terms of housing , holidays , magazines , insurance and even a whole weekend supplement of the Financial Times ( 6 January 1990 ) .
18 ‘ I do n't know whether it 's coincidental , ’ he says , ‘ but there was a big article on the front of the Japanese equivalent of the Financial Times saying that the government has decided to improve financial reporting standards .
19 Speakers include Treasury Economic Secretary Anthony Nelson , Richard Lambert of the Financial Times , and Philip Augar , managing director of County NatWest Securities .
20 Barry Riley of the Financial Times writes that ‘ in the process of achieving great commercial success , accountants have come close to deprofessionalising themselves ’ .
21 However , Clive Cookson was no longer with the BBC but had instead become the science and technology correspondent of the Financial Times .
22 David Fishlock , science editor of the Financial Times , told me that the FT ‘ took it seriously ’ because of being told that Harwell was looking into it .
23 Pilger was the only nationally known journalist mentioned in the prospectus ; one muddled council had even noted : ‘ The editor will be John Pilger of the Financial Times . ’
24 The public or audience of the Financial Times is not the same audience as that of the Sun .
25 The first changes were minor — Kemsley 's sale of the Daily Sketch to Lord Rothermere in 1952 and the Pearson/West-minster Press purchase of The Financial Times in 1957 .
26 Chairman , Christian Tyler of the Financial Times .
27 Charles Leadbeater is industrial editor of the Financial Times
28 Two others who also became central figures within Johnny 's Circus were Bobby 's friend peter Dunbar , later to become art editor of The Financial Times and subsequently The Economist , and an Italian youth called Eric Verrico who , though not interested in talking about books , occupied a definite position because of his astonishing good looks .
29 Early on the following Thursday morning , she grabbed the pale pink copy of the Financial Times from her breakfast tray .
30 She ushered them into deep leather chairs , offered Edward a copy of the Financial Times ( which he took , cravenly ) and pranced off down a corridor .
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