Example sentences of "[prep] the former regime " in BNC.

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1 He was purifying the system ; he was scouring the channels of their old faith ; he was the surgeon removing the decaying parts , the foul growths , and lancing the boils of the former regime 's putrefactions .
2 It had been anticipated that several of the governors appointed by Congress ( I ) would be replaced by the new government , but rather than make selective changes of those appointees of the former regime the government decided to ask all governors to resign with the intention of reinstating some of them later .
3 It had consolidated its position by a series of popular decisions annulling some of the most hated acts of the former regime , such as the laws against abortion and the rural systematization programme [ see pp. 36620-21 ] , and , above all , by providing food supplies from stocks previously destined for export .
4 They " did not belong to the higher party and state hierarchy of the former regime " , he declared .
5 The other principal union body , the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria ( CITUB — the successor to the official trade unions of the former regime ) had itself ended on Feb. 10 its no-strike pledge , applied since the formation of the UDF government under Filip Dimitrov in November 1991 [ see p. 38583 ] .
6 At its first meeting on May 6 the Leadership Council formally abolished the structure of the former regime , including its Cabinet , the National Assembly , the state security apparatus , the former ruling party ( Hezb-e Watan ) and all laws and resolutions contrary to the Sharia ( Islamic law ) .
7 Cissé , who was also Kérékou 's soothsayer , and nine other defendants were the first members of the former regime to face criminal charges .
8 Their other demands included ( i ) the removal of 12 generals appointed by Militaru and identified with the former regime ; ( ii ) the right to resign their commissions ; and ( iii ) the non-involvement of the military in politics .
9 It also tried to associate the SPD with the former regime , using such slogans as " No more socialist experiments " , and making references to the " PDSPD " to blur the distinctions between PDS and SPD .
10 The celebrations turned violent as property belonging to people connected with the former regime was attacked and looted by the crowds , and rioting broke out in which 27 people were killed .
11 On April 4 the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was reported to have voted unanimously for the reinstatement of its former head , Patriarch Teoctist Arapas , whose known complicity with the former regime of Nicolae Ceausescu had led to his " withdrawal " on Jan. 18 to the monastery of Sinaia , 120 km north of Bucharest [ see p. 37192 ] .
12 There was nowhere to put these prisoners except back into the former regime 's gaols , where they did indeed face sub-human conditions , especially of overcrowding .
13 Hekmatyar had gained the support of some Pashtun hardliners in the former regime , including the Minister of Internal Affairs , Raz Mohammad Paktin , and the Defence Minister , Maj.-Gen.
14 It is not suggested that the money belongs to the former regime of Siad Barre , nor that it is the property of a government or governmental agency rather than state property belonging to the Republic .
15 They belong to an old elite : the landowners and merchants whose wealth was confiscated by the former regime , which abolished all forms of private ownership .
16 Unrest had been growing in the Transylvanian region ever since December 1989 when the new National Salvation Front ( NSF ) government had reached an agreement with the Hungarian government to restore ethnic and cultural rights denied to the Hungarian community of 2,000,000 people by the former regime of Nicolae Ceausescu .
17 The government insisted that the northern guerrillas were Ethiopian Afar militias , created by the former regime of President Mengistu of Ethiopia , and seeking to " realize their dream of a greater Afaria " embracing the Afars of Ethiopia , Djibouti and Somalia .
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