Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] token " in BNC.

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1 By the same token , he wrote , in the imagination there can not be movement .
2 As regards restoration , just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar , by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve .
3 I willingly accept that an inventor can not scrutinise every patent application ; by the same token a manufacturer can not contact all potentially interested parties . ’
4 By the same token , we have to keep a watch on dates so as to see that this Eleanor is not Eleanor of Aquitaine , but her great-greatgranddaughter , Eleanor of Castile , wife of Edward I of England .
5 By the same token , Marrakech is not a new comedy ; it is a failed feasibility study for one .
6 By the same token , if it is good you only have to wait five minutes and it will get worse .
7 By the same token try to avoid bright natural light for the first two to three days after the flight at times corresponding to 5 to 11 o'clock in the morning on old time as this will tend to advance your body clock .
8 By the same token , in contrast to the conversion of St James 's , Knatchbull Road , where 50 per cent of the cost of external repairs to this listed building was met by English Heritage , only 25 per cent of the cost of this work at All Saints was covered by a central government grant .
9 By the same token Mr Kenneth Baker , as loyally supportive of Mrs Thatcher as Mr Heseltine was not , may have helped himself .
10 As Harvey Wilson , says , ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they 're not proud of and , by the same token , it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead . ’
11 By the same token , Tony DeFries had a clause in the contract that if the promoter lost money he would pay it to him , so it was impossible for a promoter to actually risk anything .
12 By the same token , the easiest way for a big studio to commit suicide is to sell its library — as MGM has .
13 The penalty for failure should be heavy ; but , by the same token , the rewards for long-term success could be higher than they are today .
14 The offer made them a special case but by the same token was condemned by other groups such as the ancillary workers , who protested that they were offered only 4 per cent .
15 By the same token , he would not expect me to be found playing with his Gameboy .
16 By the same token we are free to pull out of Europe whenever we wish , simply by repealing the EC Act .
17 By the same token , away from home Kent may find themselves batting on a missile launching pad , but that is another matter .
18 Nor , by the same token , can they be ‘ cured ’ by external factors .
19 By the same token , it has not been a triumph for the Tory Party .
20 By the same token , I can not help wondering what will be the result of a survey among half the 2,500 members of the British Psychological Society to establish how many of them have had sexual relations with their clients .
21 By the same token , if the London Marathon can be persuaded to run round and round Wembley Stadium , then the rest of us can happily offer to sponsor it .
22 By the same token the free-swimming trilobite may be expected to have a very wide geographical distribution , for oceans would be no barrier to it .
23 By the same token , the dodos of Mauritius were giant pigeons ( though some biologists believe they were closer to rails ) .
24 By the same token Russia 's nuclear submarines are the direct product of information obtained from spies in Britain and America .
25 There was little , if any , evidence to substantiate the gossip and , by the same token , there was little to disprove it .
26 And by the same token , there is no such thing as an author , that is to say , one who originates a work of fiction ab nihilo .
27 By the same token it was a day she normally spent at home , catching up on her marking , preparation and research , and she bitterly resented having to sacrifice it .
28 But by the same token , theories like that proposed by Pearce and Hall must come to terms with the evidence that has been taken to show that what the stimulus is predicted by can also play a role .
29 By the same token , there is a need for good new shopfront design that is highly individual in style but respects the character of the buildings above and beside it .
30 By the same token , 500 acres in Saskatchewan might be considered a very small farm indeed .
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