Example sentences of "[prep] the right direction " in BNC.

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1 Almost everyone concerned with education is looking for the right direction to go , and there is much talk of leadership .
2 This inner life is projected as a theatre for the right direction of energy : the soul in temptation is ready to leap into pride , indeed the devil himself is seen as a leaper constantly alert to seize his chance to get hold of the direction of man 's life .
3 As we have already discussed , the ancestry of the rose is extremely wide and complicated , and although extraordinary genealogical detective work has been carried out into many family trees , one wonders how it is possible to be sure of the right direction when travelling through the mists and fogs of time , especially during the period before copyright was extended to plants , when secrecy was a safeguard against competition .
4 Holmewood 's ‘ whistling ’ bridge ( it made noises if the wind was blowing through the rafters from the right direction ) has just been passed by K3 No. 60896 as it heads a southbound coal train up the 1 in 100 in about 1961 .
5 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
6 While falling way short of Amnesty International 's request for investigations into all ‘ disappearances ’ , this initiative is welcomed as a modest first step in the right direction .
7 Bradford TEC responded immediately , helped me understand its systems and guided me in the right direction on form-filling , etc .
8 Mr Crozier said that although the UK was more advanced in hygiene than most other member states , the document was still ‘ a step in the right direction for Europe ’ .
9 It is not a comprehensive guide to symptoms and services , but it should point you in the right direction and show you where to go for help .
10 After all , in Paris and Rome , Copenhagen and Amsterdam , I had frequently made a complete mess of whole sentences , much less place names , and had generally been set in the right direction , after a little bit of repetition and a lot of hand waving .
11 If you want to try acupuncture , ask your vet and he should be able to ‘ point ’ you in the right direction !
12 Again the notebooks can be seen moving in the right direction with ‘ Svidrigailov : I 'm happy to go to America at once , but somehow nobody really wants to . ’
13 The South-West — whose Bath-Bristol-Gloucester resources have appeared in the past to resemble rugby 's equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle — are set on improving their disappointing Divisional Championship record , and their success against Leinster in Dublin last week was seen as a first step in the right direction .
14 Mrs Thatcher called the move ‘ a major step in the right direction … we hope it will lead on to the release of Nelson Mandela and open the way for negotiations for a new constitution for South Africa ’ .
15 He warned Margaret Thatcher , as she prepares for a Commonwealth heads of government conference next week where the issue of sanctions on South Africa is expected to be central , against insisting that ‘ the regime ’ was moving in the right direction .
16 Rumours that Britain would ask for anti-apartheid sanctions to be relaxed were quashed , although the Prime Minister offered some encouragement by calling the release ‘ a major step in the right direction ’ .
17 Hungary appeared to take a step in the right direction when its rulers voted to transmute the old Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party into a new , reformist-led Socialist Party — and in effect divorced the party from the state .
18 Seven months on , how I wish I could say that the Escort/Orion range is at least going in the right direction .
19 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
20 Your GP may be able to point you in the right direction , and it 's worth finding out if the psychology department of your local hospital takes referrals .
21 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
22 But he added that , with three-quarters of the company 's business now overseas , foreign exchange rates were moving in the right direction .
23 They will listen to your ideas , find out how much you can comfortably afford to spend and point you in the right direction of the right properties , in the right location , at the right prices .
24 There is a sense that things are heading in the right direction in South Africa , and that is all .
25 The end of Genesis did not bring us back to the beginning , but it surely left us heading in the right direction .
26 If you have any other grooming questions send them to Post Bag and Sam will point you in the right direction .
27 Whether you 're looking for a fragrant floribunda , the most patio-friendly variety or simply your favourite hue , our information will point you in the right direction .
28 You can write your weight in a diary or on a chart or graph and see progress develop in the right direction over time .
29 Winter had to aim Mandarin for the middle course but his mount started wandering off to the left before pressure from the vice-like grip of the jockey 's thighs pointed him in the right direction .
30 However , with a horse that is naturally high in self-esteem , we will want to make sure that we lead the horse 's ego in the right direction , so that it works for us and not against us .
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