Example sentences of "[prep] presenting [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 After presenting me with a bag of tomatoes , she glanced at my mangled leg and made the pronouncement .
2 Young members of Prescot Swimming club gather round Stephen Orford , a member of the British Wheelchair basketball team , after presenting him with a cheque for £750 on behalf of the British Wheelchair Sports Foundation .
3 The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria ( CITUB ) and the Podkrepa ( " Support " ) Labour Confederation walked out of talks with the government on April 14 , accusing it of presenting them with a fait accompli over price liberalization .
4 Saturn and Pluto are almost single-handedly responsible for presenting you with obstacles , and late March and early October are times when they are most active in your chart .
5 Congratulations and best wishes were extended to our five newly qualified teachers and Peggy Secord took great pleasure in presenting them with their certificates .
6 Congratulations and best wishes were extended to our five newly qualified teachers and Peggy Secord took great pleasure in presenting them with their certificates .
7 He goes on to say ‘ In presenting us with the award for Lafayette , the judges believe that the new range has outstanding sales potential .
8 But there was another part of her brain which insisted on presenting her with images of Lotta sharing this idyllic environment with Rune .
9 In one such festival , her husband shows his love for her by presenting her with a new dress and himself attending to her hairdo and make up .
10 BLIND pensioner Dennis Coan has just celebrated six months of wedded bliss to his sweetheart Ellen by presenting her with a wooden rocking chair .
11 This is done by presenting them with programmes designed for native speakers and setting tasks which assume a high level of comprehension of the video material .
12 Back at Stuart Street I cemented my new-found friendship with Doogie and Miranda by presenting them with the leg of lamb .
13 When delegates from various provincial committees came to St Petersburg for consultations in August 1859 , Nikolai Miliutin cut the ground from under their feet by presenting them with an outline of the Commission 's views which went far beyond what they had in mind .
14 The cross does not affect God because he has always been loving and desiring our repentance ; it affects us by presenting us with an example of love and sacrifice which overwhelms us because of its outrageous generosity .
15 It serves as a dual purpose : it performs a musicological service by presenting us with an intelligently planned selection of the kind of harpsichord music current in the Germany in which the young Bach grew up , and it also lets us hear several composers of outstanding merit in their own right .
16 By presenting us with the most degenerate images they could find , those campaigns made us feel comfortingly distant from it all .
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