Example sentences of "[prep] preference to [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , the 1980 Broadcasting Act allocated the fourth channel to the IBA in preference to creating a new authority specifically to run this channel .
2 The majority in the community from which I come would welcome internment at this time , and I can not believe that the integrity of the Roman Catholic community is such that its members would choose this continued slaughter in our Province in preference to removing from the streets those who command and control the violence that besets us .
3 However , I have now decided that most of the new music out there is n't worth listening to , so I 've got back to reading about music in preference to listening to it .
4 After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift !
5 to look to the US for technological help in preference to supporting , developing and promoting indigenous sources .
6 I spent a lot of time lying on the couch in the living room , watching day-time television with a sneer on my face and my books on my lap , making snide remarks at the soaps and quizzes , chat shows and audience participation fora , skimming the scummy surface of our effervescent present in preference to plumbing the adumbrate depths of the underlying past .
7 Where a customer did not wish to purchase his own fleet of wagons , he was usually encouraged to hire or lease from firms such as Procor or Tiphook in preference to using railway-owned vehicles .
8 Some companies give such a high priority to the rapid and secure transmission of voice , data and documents that they have built private telecommunications networks in preference to using public systems .
9 ‘ You walk to your London office in preference to using your car on your non-interviewing days ? ’ he enquired , and Fabia looked swiftly down at the carpet .
10 While moral suasion had been favoured in the War ( in preference to rationing ) as a means of restricting domestic demand , and had for a time been partially successful , as peace returned it lost much of its impact .
11 She broke this news to me gently , casting her clear gaze towards the window in preference to seeing my hurt .
12 That is not to say , however , that this book is meant to praise living alone in preference to sharing your life .
13 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
14 It can just as easily be seen as Britain accepting subservience under the US in preference to engaging in fuller European economic cooperation .
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