Example sentences of "[prep] finding themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many members of the oligarchy , particularly the military , have powerful financial interests in gambling and prostitution , but on the other hand , prostitutes are always in danger of finding themselves outside the margin of the law .
2 The problem there is that users that do adopt OS/2 2.0 whole heartedly run the risk of finding themselves in the same fate of neglection that 8100 users suffered after the first glow of perceived success began to fade .
3 Agencies who intervene are in danger of finding themselves in the role of persecutors !
4 The Government claims that the poor will be protected from finding themselves amongst this group of losers by the national system of rebates that will operate alongside the new scheme .
5 The intuitive explanation for the negative slope of the aggregate demand curve is that a higher price implies , ceteris paribus , a lower real quantity of money in the economy since the real quantity of money is defined to be the nominal quantity of money , M , divided by the general level of prices , P 1 that is M÷P , One way in which people may respond to finding themselves with less real money than they had before is by selling off holdings of bonds to rebuild their holdings of money .
6 One way people might respond to finding themselves with more real money than they want would be to use their excess holdings of money to buy bonds .
7 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
8 They were devalued , if you like , by finding themselves in the bottom streams and so they tended to look for out of school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfactions , and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things .
9 And I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottoms streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school , when the , they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams , and so they tended to look for out-of-school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfactions , and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things , and in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way .
10 I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottom streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school when they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams and so they tended to look for out of school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfaction and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things .
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