Example sentences of "[prep] response to pressure " in BNC.

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1 There is no a priori assumption that the state ( whether local or national ) acts either as an agent of capital or in response to pressures from other classes .
2 Far more important , and partly in response to pressures from the European Parliament , was the committee under an Irish Senator , James Dooge , to study EC institutions .
3 These have frequently been made in response to pressure from major international aid donors .
4 The Fleming committee had been set up in response to pressure from the independent schools themselves : their heads and governors had been worried by the drop in enrolments and income in the 1930s , and many hoped to share in the growing national investment that would follow the War .
5 Kenya administrators also discovered the ‘ importance and usefulness of [ cattle ] sales as a meeting place for the transaction of official business ’ , but except in wartime , when the army needed meat , veterinary quarantines imposed in response to pressure from representatives of the European livestock industry meant that such sales were not a prominent feature of life in Kenya Masai District .
6 Personally , I am much encouraged that in response to pressure the Bill was amended to make it flexible enough to accommodate pupils ' special educational needs .
7 In England there was to have been a four-year transitional period , commencing in 1990 , during which the community charge would have been gradually introduced and rates phased out , but the Secretary of State , in response to pressure from his own party , agreed late in 1987 that with the exception of a handful of London boroughs ( where some flexibility remains ) the community charge should be introduced throughout England in 1990 without any phasing-in period .
8 Community Environment Ministers voted on June 8 to prolong indefinitely a six-year ban on the import of skins and other products from baby seals , in response to pressure from animal welfare organizations ( see also p. 35959 ) .
9 Cain 's resignation on Aug. 7 was in response to pressure from within his party arising from the severe financial difficulties experienced by his government after the failure of several state-owned enterprises .
10 The suddenness of the announcement was judged to be in response to pressure from US environmentalists and to a letter presented to Collor from nine leading Democrat senators during the visit , urging him to honour previous promises he had given to protect the rain forest and its indigenous tribal peoples [ see p. 37528 ] .
11 However , he reversed his decision in response to pressure from the ruling People 's Progressive Party .
12 The Israeli army issued new orders on Feb. 2 , apparently in response to pressure from Israeli settlers , easing the circumstances under which soldiers in the occupied territories were authorized to open fire .
13 Catch quotas in the open seas are set by the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization , but the EC set its own , higher , quotas in 1986 in response to pressure from the depressed Iberian fishing industry .
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