Example sentences of "[prep] [art] present climate " in BNC.

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1 Such heat fluxes are important in at least two major respects : first , without them , the annually averaged pole-to-Equator temperature difference for the present climate would be about twice as great as it is .
2 In the present climate it is hard to see the function of strikes except in public-sector monopolies .
3 Those bold enough to put their heads above the parapet — still by no means the majority — feel that to make demands even for basic freedoms is radical , in the present climate .
4 But in the present climate that is a somewhat pious hope .
5 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
6 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
7 In the present climate of opinion these old guardians of morality have in any case lost too much of their terror .
8 I feel the greatest contribution the National Council could make to the Rottweiler in Australia is the stabilizing of type , but in the present climate , with a flood of imports from various destinations , this will be all the more difficult .
9 1986 ) , have both used a novel methodology to establish that at least in the present climate unemployment is linked to crime .
10 ‘ I will not say that they are wrong but I will say that I think they are definitely unwise in the present climate of opinion … .
11 Sir , — In the present climate , with so many negative comments about the NHS , I feel I must record my great appreciation of the real care and attention I received at Frimley Park Hospital while undergoing a second cataract operation .
12 In the present climate of opinion they could only damage him .
13 In the present climate , when seemingly intelligent and experienced theologians are producing strange and contradictory ideas , we have to exercise some care to ensure against serious distortion of anyone 's words or beliefs .
14 We believe that in the present climate of great openness to the gospel and of great need in people 's broken lives , it is a godly thing to expect growth and to plant accordingly .
15 Are they really likely to recommend a vote of confidence in the selectors in the present climate ?
16 In the present climate , I think people will be under quite a lot of pressure to begin building work as soon as possible when an answer has been given , ’ said principle officer for child services , Cliff James .
17 We 'll keep trying , of course , that goes without saying , but in the present climate of relations there 's little chance of your situation altering dramatically .
18 In the present climate it is not just a matter of professional duty to stay engaged with the possibility of change : it makes better sense .
19 In the present climate it appears that for teachers to be thinking about their own educational ideals is at the very least a waste of time , and more than likely an additional source of upset .
20 A great deal could be done , even in the present climate of opinion , and example counts for a great deal .
21 In the present climate in Southern Africa , it took courage .
22 In the present climate in Rhodesia , that was an act of courage .
23 In the present climate of political thinking the Shropshire Metro has no chance of gestation .
24 In the present climate of successful superpower arms limitation talks it is likely that there will be substantial changes if not in the level of military budgets , in their composition .
25 One would be an anti-corruption law — expected , in the present climate , to be a popular measure .
26 For in the present climate of opinion this is what might be conveyed .
27 It is perhaps doubtful in the present climate that the aircraft could have been kept in the air beyond the end of this year , even if the VA has still been in a position to influence affairs .
28 As practitioners progress in their careers it becomes increasingly difficult and onerous to remember and record prior experience and achievement in a way which can achieve the type of credit which is often needed ( and is becoming more important in the present climate of belief that individuals should not be required to repeat learning which has already taken place ) .
29 erm the rest of arbitrary proposals maybe considered small comparison in , in financial terms at least but er differ a little if any in , in educational value , that 's two hundred thousand to boost the fourteen and nineteen strategy , er I think there must in the present climate in which we have to regard the vocational content of education as well as the academic .
30 On the contrary , they would have the normal reason for disregarding any belief or information on that score : that the law is the law and must be followed , no matter how unpopular it might be in the present climate of political opinion .
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