Example sentences of "[prep] [art] present project " in BNC.

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1 However , n-gram techniques have been shown to be less effective for the present project than word-lookup methods , as they fail to exploit letter-level constraints to the same extent [ Wells , 1989 ] .
2 Although it has been criticised as a ’ descriptive ’ technique using ’ weak ’ methods , this approach has proved more suitable for the present project , due to its greater robustness , coverage and computational efficiency [ Keenan , 1992 ] .
3 Indeed there are a number of other computational implementations that have required the use of linguistic information , and the extent to which they have proved successful may identify useful avenues of research for the present project .
4 However , during the present project the limitations of the established semantic theories have become apparent .
5 All the dictionaries used during the present project have been processed in the above manner .
6 The lower three levels ( lexical analysis , morphological processing and syntactic analysis ) have been investigated during the present project , and are described in detail elsewhere , e.g. Wells [ 1992 ] and Keenan [ 1992 ] .
7 The LNI stopped operations in the 1970s , and James and Sir Peter both became patrons of the present project .
8 2.3.1 Requirements of the Present Project
9 The needs of the present project could be defined as ’ to use the semantic constraints inherent in natural language to reduce the ambiguity in the output from a text recognition system ’ .
10 Lancashire [ 1987 ] also gives details of such an algorithm , and this has been adapted to meet the needs of the present project ( see Chapter Four ) .
11 This contrasts sharply with the needs of the present project .
12 The outcome of the present project will be reported in a book entitled Common Knowledge , to be published by Methuen in 1987 .
13 The aim of the present project is to explain the underlying reasons for that method 's success .
14 The aim of the present project is to follow up the earlier research through concentration upon the cultural dimension .
15 During 1990/91 the inter-university seminar on Soviet industrialisation will continue to meet regularly five times a year in Birmingham , and work will continue on research associated with the present project , including unemployment in the 1920s , and the politics of industrialisation .
16 There are further levels of knowledge that have yet to be incorporated into the present project .
17 No attempt has so far been made to incorporate the two higher levels ( discourse rules and world knowledge ) within the present project .
18 In the present project , the semantic analyser has been developed to take input in the form of word candidates , and output those words with their associated scores .
19 Because of its convenience the horizontal view ( 90° view angle ) has been used in all serious trials in the present project .
20 In the present project , senior economists in Colombia , Peru , Malaysia , Thailand and Zimbabwe under the supervision of the investigator are examining the questions in the context of individual countries .
21 In the present project this work will continue , with particular attention to national income as a whole and to the transport sector .
22 This work is carried forward in the present project .
23 However , techniques that are developed for theoretical purposes or for other applications may have relevance to the present project , and this is indicated where appropriate .
24 A similar process of topic identification can contribute to the present project , by reinforcing the choice of words whose senses contain subject codes that have been identified as being representative of the overall text .
25 A variety of natural language applications that make use of such semantic information are described , and their relevance to the present project is indicated where appropriate .
26 For these reasons , however valuable Bourdieu 's work may be in identifying the patterns and relationships or the society or mass consumption , it is limited with respect to the present project .
27 Consequently , the semantic information used by the present project is acquired either from ( a ) machine-readable dictionaries , which contain encyclopaedic knowledge as well as the purely semantic sense definitions ( and should strictly be referred to as pragmatic in nature ) or ( b ) from text corpora ( which are syntagmatic rather than semantic in nature ) .
28 Co-occurrence data has been used by the present project ; the data having been collected from a number of corpora rather than LDOCE .
29 This technique has been applied extensively by the present project to the problem of discriminating between different candidate words in a single sentential position ( rather than different senses of the same word ) .
30 It should be noted , however , that the disambiguation required by the present project is not between multiple word senses , but instead between multiple interpretations of the input .
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