Example sentences of "[noun sg] belong [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The track is the property of the C.A.D.M.R.S. , but the locos and rolling stock belong to the individual members .
2 The friends of the Queen belong to a small coterie of aristocrats , the children are educated exclusively ( one of the reasons Gordonstoun seemed a good bet was because , unlike metropolitan Eton , it was miles away in rural Scotland ) , and all are limited to a narrow circle of suitable acquaintances .
3 — As Israel 's freedom has been purchased by the death of the firstborn of Egypt , the nation 's firstborn belong in a special sense to God and are to be " bought back " from him .
4 The institutional church , preoccupied with orthodoxy and fundamentally opposed to Marxism because it is viewed as materialistic and atheistic , is made up of bishops , priests , laity and religious movements who , though not very numerous , are powerful , partly because the laity of the group belong to the wealthier classes .
5 Women who are divorced , separated or widowed have no rights over property acquired during the marriage or the children who by custom belong to the father 's clan .
6 The claims which they make for the consequences of literacy belong to the same tradition .
7 Handy would argue that this type of structure might only be successful if the nature of the work is suited to matrix organisation or project work , and if the employees of the organisation belong to the task culture and therefore want the work organised in this way .
8 Warnod noted in Comoedia that ‘ Cubism and Orphism belong to the same family .
9 In fact the street names and the rest belong with the extremely important disjunctive flotsam of the book : paintpots , old rope , the odd sock , boots that once belonged to the Secretary at the English Embassy , twists of paper , egg-shells , fish-guts , frayed blood-soaked strips torn from trouserbottoms and coat-pockets , an axe-sling in ribbons ( ‘ Little bits of tom linen can not possibly arouse suspicion ! , ’ ) half-eaten meals , small change , miscellaneous pawned objects , candle-ends , trousseau-stuff ( ‘ fancy boxes , dressing-cases , ornaments , dress material , and all that sort of junk from Knopf 's and the English Shop ’ ) broken crocks ( cherepki ) , and skulls ( cherepi ) .
10 On this basis , the unit and type readings of jacket in I like this jacket belong to the same lexeme , because the same contrast recurs with skirt , dress , coat , hat , etc .
11 Many professional advisers and qualified tradespeople belong to a professional body ( such as the Royal Institute of British Architects ) , or a trade association ( such as the Federation of Master Builders ) .
12 The wall on the left seems to be the back of a bank , the wall on the right and the one at the back of the yard belong to the Admiralty .
13 The majority belong to the class of pterines ( 2 -amino-4.hydroxy.pteridines ) and the natural pigment is often a mixture of two or more of these .
14 Some of the experiences drawn upon in the Fiction belong to the blank period between October 1896 and January 1897 , for which no letters from Edward and Helen survive .
15 The castle and grounds , which include the greatest arboretum in Poland , at present belong to the colossal state forestry authority , while the collections have been dispersed not only to Poznan , but also to Warsaw , whose National Museum is sitting on the remains of the unique collection of Etruscan and Greek vases ( some are in Moscow , while others were looted by the Germans , along with all the Limoges enamels , some of which regularly turn up in Western collections ) .
16 Species that use molecular H 2 as an electron donor in the gut belong to the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus .
17 If , for example , the rugs in a sale belong to a number of different vendors , it is extremely unlikely that they will be allowed to exchange an item owned by one owner for something owned by another .
18 Culturally , the most militant gangs who beat up immigrants in the name of the nation belong to the international youth culture and reflect its modes and fashions , jeans , punk-rock , junk food and all .
19 Nearly all the extant printed proclamations of Queen Elizabeth I 's reign belong to the seven sets , each of which he collected together , bound , and provided with its own specially printed title-page ( 1618 ) .
20 The simplest model is clearly that in which the centre and the periphery belong to the same organization .
21 Almost all the words which have both a strong and weak form belong to a category that may be called function words — words that do not have a dictionary meaning in the way that we normally expect nouns , verbs , adjectives and adverbs to have .
22 All the hotels featured in this excellent scheme belong to the renowned ‘ Welcome Swiss Hotels ’ group .
23 The medieval fabliaux in English belong in the first instance to the context of medieval England , and are not to be seen as foreign intruders disguised in the clothing of the Middle English language .
24 Likewise , many aspects of leisure and voluntary associations associated with residential location belong in the sphere of civil society .
25 Writers are concerned with such issues as : Does culture belong to the organisation or to the individuals within it ?
26 The second set belong to a much later date .
27 Although the main CNAA developments in teacher education and in art and design belong to the 1970s , the history of both really begins in 1965 .
28 By appropriating political power the bureaucracy took control of the principal means of production : ‘ The means of production belong to the state .
29 Uranium and other prescribed minerals relating to the production of atomic energy belong to the mineral rights owner , but may be compulsorily purchased by the Secretary of State for Energy with compensation under powers granted in the Atomic Energy Act 1946 .
30 Ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease belong to the group of idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases and could theoretically be extremes of the same disease .
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