Example sentences of "[noun sg] centre on the " in BNC.

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1 For some time there had been allegations in the foreign media of a power struggle centring on the issue of introducing political reforms between Alia and Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who was chair of the Democratic Front ( an umbrella organization dominated by the ruling Party of Labour — APL ) and who reputedly wielded great influence in the APL central committee .
2 Soon he was picking up speed as his confidence increased and , cruising at a steady 80 m.p.h. , his whole mind centred on the one burning goal of reaching the sanctuary of the distant Bethlehem House .
3 Fighting centred on the main barracks , the Balboa port section of Panama City , close to the main bridge leading over the canal , and in the old part of the capital , which is a maze of slums and anti-military feeling .
4 The fighting centred on the Gojam and Gondar regions as rebel forces moved southwards towards the capital .
5 Mr Bond 's business rise would not have been possible without the return of laissez-faire ; the emergence of deregulation ; the ascent of the mega-merger and the credit boom centred on the Anglo economies of Australia , the United States and Britain .
6 This study centred on the group nature and aspects of football support and of delinquency at football matches .
7 The research centres on the carreres of two outstanding civil servants : Sir Percival Waterfield and Lord ( Edward ) Bridges .
8 Much of the work centred on the complex biology of the malaria parasite and on improvements in the methods of testing potential antimalarial drugs .
9 The swoops followed four months of intense undercover work centred on the Scotland Road area .
10 Until recently , the crucial question centred on the role schools played in determining which children rise socially ( Anthony Heath and John Ridge , ‘ Schools , examinations and occupational attainment ’ , reprinted in Achievement and Inequality in Education , ed .
11 Another group of men received a vocabulary centred on the wavelengths at the margins of the basic colours .
12 Much controversy surrounded the finalization of this part of the Act centred on the question whether all 3–5 year olds should become entitled to a place in a nursery or pre-school .
13 The plan centres on the so-called insulae ( the natural islands of which the whole of Venice is made up ) and involves raising the ground level in certain places to a height that will prevent the less severe but more frequent flooding .
14 The plan centres on the Galleria dell'Accademia , but also includes the city 's eleven most interesting churches , namely the Frari , with its Titian masterpieces , and the church and adjoining Scuola of San Rocco , which houses the most important cycle of paintings by Tintoretto .
15 The crisis centring on the detention of UN inspectors had been preceded by mounting tension over Iraq 's refusal to authorize the use of UN helicopters by weapons inspection teams .
16 During 1990 the UNHCR failed to resolve its grave financial problems and suffered a major organizational crisis centred on the appointment of a new High Commissioner for Refugees .
17 The Theorem of Pythagoras can be applied to the rotating vector of unit length to reveal , as it describes a circle centred on the origin O that : x ² + y ² = 1² = 1
18 Arthur Munby 's diaries from the 1850s through to the 1870s , point to further examples of middle-class male desire centred on the physical coarseness of working women .
19 Currie was a small community centred on the town farms .
20 The third and final theme centred on the definition or , more broadly , the meaning of ‘ disability ’ .
21 During any trading day , the futures price can lie within a band centred on the settlement price at the close of business on the previous trading day .
22 A second trial of 24 people , accused of working for an allegedly pro-Iraqi newspaper , al-Nidaa , was adjourned on May 21 amid widespread international criticism centring on the conduct of the trials .
23 The feud centred on the issue of ‘ additionality ’ .
24 The reasoning offered by the court centred on the fact that such persons had special access to inside information which arose from communications they had received from primary insiders .
25 At the end of 1946 and beginning of 1947 speculation centred on the prospects of a south Korea split by bitter political and social tensions .
26 Further speculation centred on the financial state of the main Maxwell companies .
27 I have just indicated one way in which criticism centred on the theory dependence of observation can be to some extent evaded by the inductivists , and I am convinced that they will be able to think of further ingenious defences .
28 Although much of this criticism centres on the misuse of his work by others , some more substantive arguments are that middle-class values inform his conceptual distinctions and that these are insufficiently grounded in the raw data of speech patterns .
29 It is interesting to note that the debate centred on the concrete social consequences of divorce legislation rather than on its intrinsic morality .
30 In both instances the debate centred on the inviolability of the principle of parliamentary immunity rather than on Le Pen 's comments which met with widespread condemnation .
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