Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the tories " in BNC.

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1 The question people will ask is whether it is a budget for Britain or a budget for the Tories and the answer is that it is clearly the latter .
2 The Elector of Hanover was known to hold little sympathy for the Tories , whom he felt had betrayed the Allies at the Peace of Utrecht , and few doubted that when George I became King the Tories would lose the political ascendancy they had enjoyed since 1710 .
3 HOW apt that party-changing Dr David Owen is to do his bit for the Tories now — having been sent to Serbia by the Prime Minister .
4 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
5 To move to the more ‘ conjunctural ’ factors in working class support for the Tories : it is not plausible , in retrospect , to ascribe all the votes necessary to the preservation of Tory government over the '50s to stable and definite ‘ Tory ’ social collectivities .
6 Moreover , an exaggerated impression of the growth of popular support for the Tories is conveyed by comparing Anne 's reign with the period of the Parliamentary Exclusion Crisis .
7 The National Health Service was a genuine concern to many people , and for this and similar reasons , he believed , Margaret Thatcher could not possibly have won the next election for the Tories .
8 Labour 's Alan Milburn and Michael Fallon , who is defending the seat for the Tories , said they would not appear on the same political platform as Dr Clarke .
9 A favourable vote for the Tories on Maastricht and hopes that the Democrats will revive the US economy triggered a mini buying spree .
10 Mr Fallon defended the Government 's record on unemployment blaming the soaring number of jobless in the South for the Tories present unpopularity .
11 Therein lies the danger for the Tories in rediscovering him .
12 And yes , we can teach them about partnership , Councillor and I think it 's hypocrisy for the Tories to talk about links with the private sector .
13 It represents a major setback for the Tories and raises the prospect of a hung Parliament with Labour the biggest party .
14 County councils are coming to terms with dramatic changes in the balance of power after a disastrous election night for the Tories .
15 Mr Scott has been chairman of Stockton Council 's planning committee almost constantly since 1974 , says a dire slump in the local economy is enough in itself to sound a death knell for the Tories .
16 His seat is secure but he is also seeing the man who defeated him for the party leadership on the way to another victory for the Tories .
17 SHARES on the London market rocketed to within a whisker of their all-time peak yesterday on hopes of a further cut in interest rates and victory for the Tories in the Maastricht vote .
18 A fierce reaction followed , which resulted in the downfall of the Whig ministry , and a massive victory for the Tories at the subsequent general election .
19 Shadow foreign secretary Jack Cunningham dismissed referendum calls as ‘ a perfect smokescreen for the Tories in the worst economic crisis for 60 years . ’
20 Former policeman Alan Earle , 52 , of High Street , Norton , has been chosen to try to retain the Norton ward for the Tories in the March 12 by-election called after the death of Cleveland County Councillor Hilda Reading .
21 Lesson for the Tories
22 These morons set up meaningless polls , people like me tell them that they 're meaningless , and then , when they turn out to be meaningless , they cry ‘ Amazing triumph for the Tories !
23 Inflation is down but the problem for the Tories is that unemployment is up , business failures are up , house repossessions are up , interest rates are high and economic growth is non-existent .
24 Election Comment : Albany at Large : Bring back Tebbit THERE is just time for the Tories to take the direction of the election out of the hands of a lot of Central Office schoolboys and to make Norman Tebbit their supremo .
25 IN ORDER to find a precedent for the Tories ' four consecutive election vic tories one has to return to the politics of Regency England .
26 Mr Major , delighted with his spectacular success in securing an historic fourth term in power for the Tories , said his first task was to ensure there was a ‘ broadly based recovery in which all will share ’ .
27 He was thus a particular target for the Tories , and according to his own account lost his seat at the 1702 election after a specific campaign against him inspired by the Tory leaders .
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